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Welcome back for week two! It has been so fun to hear from all of you over the past week and see you documenting your Design Studio Summer Camp progress on social media! Be sure to tag me at @oliviaherrickdesign so that I can cheer you on and share what you are up to! Let's dive in – this week is all about our client process. 
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This week is all about process. What is the experience your clients have and how could it be better? What is the experience YOU have and how could it be streamlined or simplified?
The key to a great client process is that both client and designer are happy. Back in about 2018 I started dramatically simplifying my client process. I reviewed all of my post-project client feedback and realized that no one used my onboarding packet, no one wanted multiple phone calls, etc. – I was creating more work for myself and overwhelmingly it was NOT making life easier for my clients. So I really pared things down. I mapped out my entire workflow and looked at where I could simplify and cut things.
Today there are two things we are going to tackle. The first is a client process analysis. 
Homework: Client Process Workflow Worksheet
This week your only homework is to complete the workflow worksheet. Be honest with yourself – what is happening in your client process? What steps do you take? If you take one look at this sheet and think “I do something different for literally every client” then you might print out a second set of this worksheet and map out what you WANT your workflow to look like. The goal is to just be honest about what you are doing so that we can really take a critical eye and arrive at a place where you feel confident and comfortable. 
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Bonus: Apply the Swipe Files

Today I am including a special bonus – the EXACT questions I ask my clients in every step of my design process! 
Strategy Survey
Strategy Workshop
Feedback Form
Post-Project Survey 
Download the swipe files here, review, and if they feel like a good fit, apply them to your process today! 
Thank you for turning in for week two! Questions? Respond to this email and I will get back to you as quickly as I can! 
Have a great day, 