Hi there {{ subscriber.firstName | default('friend') }},
I feel like every other week I start my newsletter with a general “times are weird” proclamation.

Layoffs, a shaky economy, AI…I'm sure you feel it too. 
Understandably, I've received a lot of questions about the current state of things and whether or not I've noticed any impacts on my freelance business.

The short answer is that I have. I've had some clients pull back content production. And I've also noticed that the pervasive uncertainty has really shaken my confidence (something I wrote about in my newsletter a few weeks ago).

But this week—as I looked at my upcoming workload for July and realized, again, that things looked a little lighter than I wanted them to—I was struck with another big change I've noticed in my freelance business amidst everything: 

I have to ask for work a lot more frequently now.

I've been freelancing full-time for almost nine years. I'm pretty established in my niche. I've worked with many of my clients for years. 
That meant I previously benefitted from a pretty steady and predictable workload. At the end of each month, my recurring clients would pop into my inbox with assignments for the next month. Over and over. Like clockwork.
But it hasn't worked that way recently. I find myself having to track down work more than I used to—even with long-term clients I collaborate with routinely. I need to essentially remind them that I need more assignments.
I get it. I'm not the only one feeling how rocky things currently are—traditional employees are too. Many of the content managers I work with are grappling with layoffs, slashed budgets, and reduced resources. That means sending me more work continues to slide down the ol' to-do list.

I have to be more proactive than I grew accustomed to over the past few years and explicitly ask for work. Which is exactly what I did this past week.

I've talked about this sort of “check in with old clients” strategy a couple of times before. Here are a few related resources: 
  • Newsletter about the email I sent to book $3k in new projects
  • Workshop providing a behind-the-scenes peek at the above email
But this week, I kept my outreach lighter and more casual. Here's a peek at the gist of the email I sent: 
Subject: July assignments (and beyond!)
Hey [Name],
I hope you're doing well!
I'm starting to book work for the rest of the summer (where is time going?!) and thought I'd check in to see if you have any [Client] projects coming down the pike.
As always, no pressure—I'm just looking at my calendar/upcoming workload and trying to get my ducks in a row.
Let me know!
Kat :)
And once again, I was surprised at the effectiveness of such a short and simple email. I sent it to five clients and four of them responded within hours to confirm they'd have briefs in my inbox by early next week (now, fingers crossed that actually happens!).
It's proof that your “business development strategy” doesn't need to be complex to be impactful. A few quick emails sure did a heck of a lot for me.
I'll cap this off with a few helpful reminders: 
  • You don't get what you don't ask for. Plain and simple.
  • There's no shame in asking for work. It is not a sign of weakness. It does not make you look desperate. It doesn't mean that your business is crumbling. Deep breaths. 
  • Give other people some grace. When times are weird (yep, there's that phrase again) it's easy to get hyper-fixated on your own problems and experiences. But remember, other people—including your clients—could be struggling too. We're all just doing our best, okay?
So if you've noticed that your own upcoming workload isn't where you need it to be, consider this your friendly nudge to get out there and do something about it. ❤️
My Favorite Reads and Resources This Week:
Here are a few things I sunk my teeth into these past few days. If you're looking for some advice or commiseration, go ahead and give these a peek!
Noteworthy Freelance Writing Gigs:
Looking for some new freelance writing gigs and opportunities? You're in luck, because I've rounded some up for you.
Not a fit for any of these gigs or opportunities? Get out there and proactively pitch the outlets you're interested in. You can do it—I promise. Here's what you need to know and here are some templates to help.
Non-Writing Freelance Gigs:
I don't just show love to the writers. Here are some non-writing freelance gigs you can check out. 
Find More Tips, Tools, and Resources:
Want to know where else you can find me and learn from me? I've got you covered. 
It's a long weekend over here (the boys are out of daycare on Monday and Tuesday for the holiday), so I'm looking forward to lots of backyard time (provided the air quality improves—oof).
Maybe I'll organize a couple of closets and cabinets too. The excitement is limitless over here, isn't it?  

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and, as always, happy freelancing! 😊
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