Hello friends,
A smoky morning here in the Hudson Valley; I've got the air filter running and haven't been outside yet, but my throat already feels a little scratchy and irritated. I am sipping on sage and thyme tea with lots of honey to soothe my throat as I write this to you (At the bottom of today's newsletter is a little recipe that I return to for soothing a sore throat that is irritated from wildfire smoke). Today's newsletter will be short – I wanted to send a little reminder that tomorrow is the final day to apply for the Mary Chase Artist Residency this summer in Maine with yours truly as your host! I just spent the past ten days on that magic coast and I am excited to return a few times over the summer. It's really a very special place and I hope that you apply if this feels like the right thing for you at this time. 
In Maine, we were gifted a few dry days to harvest roses. It's been raining a lot up there this past month and I am finding that the roses that I picked won't dry well this year; the petals were well-saturated and the New York humidity won't help with the drying process at all! But there is plenty of medicine to be made so this past week I have been busy tincturing the petals, making glycerin extracts, crafting vinegars and oxymels and blending rose-infused salts. It is an absolute balm to work with this plant during wildfire smoke days. I am grateful for the plants, to be able to have my hands in the fresh herbs this week. Not only is it crucial to support our immune systems and respiratory tissues, I also think it is of the upmost importance to connect with plants that make our hearts sing. To invoke plants that soothe our spirits. To call upon plants that open doorways of enchantment to the world. To remind us of our aliveness. I call upon Rose. I call upon Hawthorn. I call upon Rosemary. I call upon Lemon Balm. I call upon Sage. We need this medicine, now. 
So with my hands in a bowl of petals, I am wrapping you and your hearts with Rose…
Sore Throat Pastilles
My throat is the thing that always goes first when I am feeling under the weather or exposed to wildfire smoke. I love having lozenges or pastilles on hand for this exact situation; something that I can use to soothe and ease my throat while also having antimicrobial properties… Plus! This recipe has my beloved rose, which is pain relieving, cooling and anti-inflammatory. I have an old coffee grinder that I use to powder my herbs - it is nothing fancy and works great for my kitchen purposes.
2 tbsp. powdered rose petals 
1 tbsp. powdered sage leaf
4 tbsp powdered marshmallow root
3 tbsp honey (in liquid form)
Small bowl of ginger powder with extra rose petal powder
  • Combine all powders thoroughly leaving the ginger powder to the side
  • Add in honey, a little at a time, mixing well into the blended powders (You are looking for a soft mixture that is malleable and workable but not sticky)
  • Roll into balls - size is your choice, but I like a marble-sized pastille
  • Roll balls into ginger & rose powders to finish off (if you wish - you don't need to roll the pastilles into anything! But you can also use cinnamon, clove or calendula powders if you have those on hand)
  • Use immediately or store in a jar in the fridge for a few weeks - you can use wax paper to layer them if helpful
* Note: This recipe is also good for indigestion, tummy aches and calming nervous tension in the gut.
** Another note: you can just stir these powders into a ½ cup of honey to make an electuary if you would rather not roll into individual pastilles. Enjoy it by the spoonful instead!