Dear First name / friend, one of the biggest reasons I'm interested in learning how to become more mindful is so I can make time stand still. Or at least slow down. Now, I'm being a bit facetious, but being present is one of the only ways I know that we can combat the fast moving nature of time.
We blink and it's the middle of the week. We blink and it's the middle of summer. Just typing that makes me anxious. We spend a lot of time zooming through our days, hardly even noticing, anything.
This is precisely why I'm on a mission to help you cultivate a daily breathing practice. So that, together, we can become more mindful. Better able to ground ourselves in the present moment. And actually take notice of our lives moving forward, our summer days slipping by, one by one. ✨
I hope this note inspires you to take a moment to simply be in the moment. It might sound mundane or even ridiculous, but when you practice being present, you get better at being … present.