Hello, and welcome to the June 2023 Newsletter. Hope you have some fun summer plans this year.

Thanks, everyone, for subscribing to and reading my monthly newsletters. If you're new or missed any editions, you can always catch up by visiting the Archive Page.

What's New With Us
Busy, busy, busy, whew… Sorry for missing last month's newsletter and this abbreviated one, but I have huge news. A significant lifestyle change is taking place. Anne and I have bought a boat! A 34' CHB trawler-style cabin cruiser named "Vestri."
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We will keep the truck and fifth-wheel trailer but store them during the summer months and travel & live on the boat. Once fall hits, we will swap and pull the RV out of storage for our regular snowbird trip south. 
Check out Anne's blog post for more on the new boat and this life change. Charting a Course to Wellness – Embarking on a New Photographic Adventure
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I also have a blog post up where I'm documenting our maiden voyage via video from where we bought the boat in Sidney up to Campbell River. 
Thanks for bearing with me during this change. I plan to have a full newsletter next month with details about the boat and planned upgrades, mods, etc. Many systems are like on the RV, but some are unique to boating, so there is quite a learning curve. 
We are looking forward to this new chapter in our lives and the adventures that await. Love Your RV & Boat!
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Cheers, Ray
PS - I still have some RV repair/maintenance videos and RV product reviews in the pipeline this coming month. Stay tuned.
“Shells sink, dreams float, life’s good on our boat.” – Jimmy Buffet