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Welcome to Week Three! It has been so fun to hear from all of you over the past two weeks and see you documenting your Design Studio Summer Camp progress on social media! Be sure to tag me at @oliviaherrickdesign so that I can cheer you on and share what you are up to! Let's dive in – this week is all about our portfolio. 
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This week we are preparing to update your portfolio. If you are anything like me, there is a pretty good chance that there is zero recent work on your website. I know this is a common struggle for designers. Despite our best efforts… updating our portfolio, adding new work, focusing on anything other than clients… it's just plain hard to do with everything we have on our plates. So this week we are going to really break things down and take deliberate action in order to move forward. 
The objective this week is to gather the necessary portfolio components to be able to add a few new projects to your website or a PDF portfolio (which we will do next week). 
This week = prep. 
Next week = execute. 
Step one: Based on your inventory worksheet from Week One, choose the number of projects that you would like to showcase (3–5, no more than five)
Step two: Download the portfolio prep checklist and write in the names of the projects you are going to feature. The purpose of this worksheet is to give you a bit of a visual checklist – the goal is to put an X in every space. One foot in front of the other. You can do this!
Step three: Now, we get to work. Each project has four steps. 
  1. Copywriting (short, to the point!)
  2. Artwork (straightforward artwork highlights that call attention to everything you delivered for the client)
  3. Mockups/Photos (3D mockups or images from a photoshoot are KEY! I love Yellow Images for mockups)
  4. Testimonials (Hopefully you gathered these, but if not, reach out proactively and connect with your former clients)
These are pretty straightforward, but I do want to note that generally I feel like most prospective clients are not looking to read 1,500 words about each of your previous projects. We are really trying to keep things simple here. I promise!
Copywriting template: 
While I don't have case studies on my site right now, I have in the past. And my goal has always been to keep them as short and simple as possible. After all, the primary objective is to let the work shine! The copy section could be as brief as: 
Client Name: 
Work Provided: Visual Branding, Packaging Design
[ Begin Artwork ] 
Or you could follow a more structured path, along the lines of: 
“This project was developed for _______, a ________ company whose mission is _________. Together we developed ________ (list of project components) with the goal of ________ (what the project objective was)."
Okay guys – I know this sounds like a lot but once you get moving you should be able to get some big things together in just an hour or two! The first step is ALWAYS the hardest part, but I am right here, cheering you on. 
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Looking for a way to track your progress weekly? Print out the Design Studio Summer Camp map and add a check mark to each week when you have completed the task!
Thank you for turning in for week three! Questions? Respond to this email and I will get back to you as quickly as I can! 
Have a great day, 