I see a promotion in your future
Last week I opened a fortune cookie that read, “You will have a bright and successful career.” So lovely, right? I, like any good millennial, posted it on my Instagram Stories. To which one of my best friends responded, “You already do!” Her message hit me like a splash of cold water in the middle of this week’s global heat wave. 
Could it be possible? Could it be true? Could I actually be successful rather than just be someone seeking success? Her words made me wonder about the stories we tell about our (future) selves. It made me curious about how, in writing our stories, we forget what we've already written. 
If you’re a part of this newsletter, you’re a high-achiever. You like to dream. You like taking action. You envision yourself doing big things. And all of that is amazing. But how much of that do you see happening “one day,” and how many days have you forgotten when you accomplished some really amazing things?
Because getting to where you are right now didn’t happen overnight; it took a lot of work. A lot of hard work. And it hasn’t been for nothing. It’s been for something. And that something is worth acknowledging. It may not feel like you’ve made it yet, but you’ve made it here, and that’s pretty incredible if you ask me. 
But I get it. I do. Because it took me an order of fried rice and my best friend to remind me of where I am, too. And it’s not our fault, honestly. 
If you think about it, to be human in today’s world means having the constant pressure of becoming a “better” human. We’re always looking for advice on how to be more confident. More aware. More empathetic. More financially secure. More. More. More. 
And in our search for more, I fear we forget who we are. (I know I forgot who I was while thinking about who I could be.)
So, I’m going to try something. Ya know how many jobs often have yearly reviews? And how, for those reviews, you come prepared with how you’ve shown success to try and convince your boss you deserve a raise or promotion? (P.S. you do deserve it, btw.)
Well, I want to start hosting quarterly self-reviews and to ask you to to see yourself as the boss of your own life. This isn’t a space where we manifest our goals or vision board. This space will be dedicated to celebrating who we are today vs. who we'll be next quarter.  
This first event will be free as I test out the kinks. And the purpose of it will not be to change our story but to actually READ the stories we've already written. Part journaling, part hyping, in only 30 minutes. Because, as *already* successful people, we don’t have a lot time. But we can make the time to celebrate ourselves and share our success stories. 
It's all happening next Wednesday, 7/26 (or 26/7 for my European friends) at 1pm ET (19 CEST). If you’re into it, then sign-up by clicking the button below. And even if you can’t make it, sign-up anyways. You’ll get the recording and a worksheet to do the review on your own. 
For, wouldn't it be nice if rather than constantly trying to improve ourselves, we took a moment to prove to ourselves that who we are is already enough?
I’m jazzed about this and can’t wait to see what you’re jazzed about, too. I'll see you next week, yeah?! Sweet.
Successfully yours,

Feel-Good Happenings
Need a virtual assistant? Can I make a suggestion?
I just started working with Stephanie Faria of Faria Virtual Assistants and TBH it's the reason this newsletter is coming out after my inconsistent sending. I want to show up better for you, and that's why I invested in Stephanie + her team. Check them out if you need support + accountability, too!

give your heart a voice & your mind a break with poetry