As an organization devoted to supporting Black folks, our ambition is to quell any further delay in the acquisition of equity. 'Cause we shouldn't have to wait any longer. Ya dig?
The fleet industry daily introduces us to sincere, hard-working people. Then there are those who obstruct the norm, ripping through status quo as to say, “We know you didn't see us coming, but we're here now.” With humble posture, they stand tall and make the difference; not by marketing slick messaging nor leveraging a surname that carries widely-accepted weight. No, it's the integrity of their actions that set them apart - as leaders and champions of that which is bigger than them. This is what characterizes J3 Management Group.
Click below to learn why they're an elemental part of the BFN journey.
The nation's leading government fleet bosses and top industry suppliers converged in Dallas, TX to comprise the annual event's largest showing ever. The growth in representation of Black professionals was encouraging as our public sector members reunited, created fresh bonds, and welcomed incomers.
That BFN drip (apparel) rippled throughout the event as members, sponsors, and loved ones donned our branded t-shirts and snapbacks - reflecting our intrinsic vibe and unabashed efforts toward ubiquity within and beyond this industry we serve.
[A Drip Drop is coming, btw. Eyes out for the online store].
Much love to our new friends at Optimus Technologies, who hosted a perfectly-timed kick back at a local Dallas beer garden. Their team was wonderfully open and engaging, producing memories to be cherished. As always, we greatly appreciate the team at AssetWorks for showing up in all the right ways. They are defining industry standards for product dev, customer service, and company culture that are worth imitating.
And to Bobit, we extend a special note of thanks for serving as a valued sponsor and supporter of BFN. Congratulations on curating a historical experience this year.
Looking forward to Louisville!
new sponsor alert!
agile fleet becomes bfn's first ever branch sponsor
In promotion of workplace safety and #peoplefirst culture, we've compiled a couple of checklists to help fleet managers prevent unwanted incidents and keep their teams in good shape throughout the summer months. Throwing shade is highly recommended.
BFN recently welcomed fifteen new members in a single day, gratefully witnessing the growth of our dynamic collective within a unique moment. Each of these men and women are team members at Merchants Fleet, a leading fleet management company (FMC) headquartered in New Hampshire. In recognition of the 2023 Juneteenth holiday, Merchants offered every Black employee an annual BFN membership. Through this collaborative action, Merchants is building a bridge of advocacy for its team members. BFN acknowledges their progressive DEI initiatives and gladly joins forces in full support.
Our Pioneering Sponsors
TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS: Thank you for being a part of this journey.