If you’ve never been to Cape Cod, First name / friend, let me tell you—it’s exactly the vibe you think it is.
And yes, this IS going to be related to marketing, thankyouverymuch. Stay with me.
SO. I went to Cape Cod this weekend for the first time with a biz bestie I met on the internet in 2020. (Sara from
Between the Lines Copy, if ya know her. I'm guessing if you’re on this email list, you do.)
Sara is the ULTIMATE Cape stan. She’s gone every summer since she was a child and knows just about
everything there is to know about the place. Even her website (
which I designed, btw) is giving cloudy, foggy, rainy beach vibes. AKA,
Cape Cod.
About halfway through our weekend-long adventure to all the best spots, Sara goes, “Sooo… I’m dying to know. What do you think of it?”
“It’s giving Diane Keaton, old money, navy blue nautical vibes,” I said between sips of my fruity little cocktail.
She agreed, and laughed. “Yeah, but do you LIKE that?”, pressing further.
I knew why she was asking. See, when you think of Cape Cod, I am probably not the first person to come to mind. I am a die-hard New Yorker after all. I like grit, and concrete, and modern art, and leather jackets. I like skyscrapers, and industrial interior design, and hustle & bustle. But perhaps surprisingly, I was loving this vibe.
I thought about it for a moment.
“I like any place where I instinctively know who I’m ~supposed to be~ while I’m there.”
Daaaaaamn, Kleist. SO DEEP! But, it’s true.
I’ve done more traveling in the last few years than I have my entire life long, and I’ve noticed I always have a way better time in a place that has a distinct ~vibe~, even if it’s not a vibe I’d consider my own. I mean, how fun is it to put on my Diane Keaton hat for a weekend before returning to my gritty, NYC, everyday life?
(And think of the alternative for a sec: a place trying to be everything is a place you can’t quite put your finger on. It’s unsettling, and it’s not exactly a destination you can post on Instagram about.)
Regardless of who I am everyday, I’m thrilled to buy into another vibe for a while, as long as I know what vibe I’m buying into. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s kind of the whole appeal of traveling, isn’t it!?
Here’s the gag: branding is the exact same way.
(Can I get a round of applause for the smooth segue back into marketing, please?!?!)
When visitors come across your website, or Instagram, or Threads, or TikTok—do they know what vibe they’re buying into? Or are you diluting your visuals & message by trying to cater to everyone and ending up appealing to no one in particular?
Branding isn’t just about attracting a specific ideal client and repelling everyone else. This is a huge branding misconception. With a clear brand, you’ll ALSO attract other kinds of people too. (Not just the old money Cape Cod vacationers, but also the young New York creative who wants to be Diane Keaton for a weekend.)
TL;DR: In a world where sameness prevails, a brand with a strong identity and an unwavering vibe is the one that will truly stand out and leave a lasting impression in the eyes of many, not just your ideal client.
If you're considering a rebrand (or looking to kickstart a brand-new biz on the right foot),
let's have a chat! I'm here to help you create a vibe that resonates with your audience—
and beyond.