July 10 2023
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Issue 35. Your cue to get yourself an office bestie.

Hi First name / fellow admin. Liz, here. đŸ‘‹đŸŸ FYI – I’ve taken up a new hobby. Threading to be specific. And I have to say, I’m quite obsessed. 
If you didn’t know, Instagram released a new app called Threads last Thursday. And while many are calling it a clone of Twitter, I’m calling it a safe space for great conversation on topics ranging from “your favorite cereal” to “why 4-day work weeks just make sense”. 
Modern Admin is on it and I’d love it if you'd give us a follow. But if you’re looking to connect with me more 1:1, you can follow my personal account as well. 😎
In today’s issue we’ll be discussing 
  • The reversal of Affirmative Action and it's impact on DEI
  • My latest discovery/free tech tool that I can no longer gatekeep
But, before you dive in, a few friendly reminders!
  1. If you have not already, please fill out our 3-minute mid-year survey. Your feedback helps shape the future of Modern Admin!
  2. We just published our August Culture Calendar, and you can find July here
See you all next Monday!

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[I want to preface today's letter by saying the below is a topic with many opinions. I always aim to bring voices from all sides of the table to my writing and i'll be the first to say there is no perfect way forward. But, these are the very topics that affect our culture & our workplace. They are modern. And they are necessary to discuss. Thank you for being open enough to engage and I always welcome your feedback!]
Flash back to a year ago, and you had 80+ companies filing legal briefs to uphold Affirmative Action at colleges and universities. 
Employers saw the direct link between a diverse classroom and a diverse workforce, which in turn contributes to a company’s growth and profitability. But, on June 29th, that all changed as the Supreme Court ruled that race-conscious admissions programs were now unlawful.
So, the question is, how does this latest ruling affect diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI)?
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DEI strategist and consultant, Lily Zheng, says “DEI is about finding out and fixing those root causes of inequality and potential discrimination. Sometimes, it's intentional and overt racism, for example. Other times, it's biased policies, the lack of process, or accidental exclusion. Whatever it is, we fix it, with the goal of building a workplace free from discrimination, that works for everybody."
So, by Lily's definition, we understand that DEI is more than just racial equality. 
But without racial equality (which Affirmative Action aided) you do not have a robust DEI program.
Forbes contributor, Janice Gassam Asare, makes a case that the reversal of Affirmative Action will widen racial disparities in hiring. She goes on to note that with a lack of an inclusive design, employers will lose underrepresented talent and racial inequities could persist. 
And her concerns shouldn't fall on deaf ears. Between companies defunding DEI completely, employers are concerned of the legal implications that will come with getting their diversity campaigns wrong
At face value, DEI is safe. Because it is not limited to racial equality. But with many schools now having to adopt race-neutral methods to attract diverse talent, employers too will need to think outside the box vs solely relying on colleges & universities. 
Some tips on how companies can advance racial diversity in hiring and promotions, outside of Affirmative Action:
  • Invest in programs to diversify the talent pool → BUILD.org is a personal favorite of ours!
  • Conduct targeted outreach to diverse colleges to find more qualified applicants (ex: HBCUs)
  • Audit internal policies and procedures relating to recruitment, performance evaluation, compensation, and promotion to find and eliminate implicit bias
  • Create employee resource groups to build a more inclusive culture for underrepresented cohorts
  • Conduct education and training on inclusive hiring and promotion practices
  • Establish mentorship and sponsorship programs
If you want to dive deeper into this topic, we recommend this breakdown on Affirmative Action to understand why it exists and how, in spite of the court reversal, companies can rise to the occasion to truly build a DEI program with impact.

This quarter (and honestly, every quarter) we are all about working smarter, not harder. So when we find a tool that is free, we can't help but share it.
It’s time to skip the (overpriced) Adobe subscription!
Why we love them:
1.) You save money & time
2.) You get access to 28 editing tools (merge, watermark, etc.)
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1.) Work-Related Fears Hinder Employee Performance
2.) A “Nice” Work Culture Isn’t Actually That Nice
3.) Women Brunt The Burden Of Tech Layoffs
4.) PTO, The European Way

Til next time, stay modern.
-Your fellow admin
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