Good afternoon - Lynn here.
Popping in to say hi and share this week's energy đź’« tip for your week ahead: 
She told me to stop at Staples on my way home and pick up a box of colored pencils and a drawing pad. 
This was my homework for the next month, assigned by my therapist-intuitive practitioner following our session.
Her prescription was simple: use colored pencils and create art.
“Doodle, color, or follow your heart’s desire; just allow yourself a little time each day to be creative.”
When I left her office, I had mixed feelings. I was thrilled because I genuinely enjoyed coloring. It had been a favorite activity as a kid, and I also loved that time with my kids when they were little.
However, my rational side thought, "This really isn’t the advice I expected. And how will coloring address this awful feeling I'm struggling with now?”
Looking back, it was excellent advice. My thoughts had become rigid and narrow-minded regarding the relationship issue I had shared with her. I needed to loosen up, this was her gentle way of encouraging me to do just that. I needed to spend more time getting “right” -my right brain.🧠
My therapist recognized my tendency to overanalyze and become trapped in worry and “what ifs”. Coloring was her method of helping me overcome these mental roadblocks.
I recently wrote an article about the unique roles of the left and right brain, explaining how they work together to create our sense of self, body awareness, and perception of our surroundings.
You can read it on the blog.  Click below.
It’s difficult to liberate ourselves from our self-imposed patterns.
Under stress, many of us try to think our way out of situations.  I certainly did.
I have a good track record of figuring things out, so it seemed logical to continue this way. 
I was too left-brained🧠for my own good.
Energy tip for the week:  Unleash your inner artist to give your left brain a break.
Have some creative fun! Embrace your artistic genius.
Color, paint, sing, dance, or doodle your heart away.
Our brain is highly adaptable, and by engaging in creative activities, we can enhance our empathy, connection, and unity with others.
Tapping into our artistic core stimulates our intuition and makes us receptive to the high-frequency energies of peace, love, and harmony.
When we achieve left-right brain 🧠coherence, answers to our most challenging questions will present themselves with minimal effort.
Albert Einstein once said, "the great moral teachers of humanity were artistic geniuses in the art of living.”
It doesn’t matter what you do, or how well you do it, embracing creativity expands self-awareness, intuition, and empathy for your highest good.
So liberate and let yourself create!
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to you!!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend.
You rock!



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