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Kicking things off by embracing…
Welcome to our second 5 week series, the Summer Sketchbook Un-Slump!
I hope the past few weeks have given you a chance to relax and work in a longer time frame. I'm excited to switch things up and find energy in our weekly schedule with this first prompt!
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When was the last time you played? Purely doing something for the fun of it, not worried about the results or a deadline or what needs to get done later, completely immersed in the process and enjoying yourself? 
Whether your answer is yesterday or a month ago or you're not sure, I think it is always OK to have more of it in our lives! Play can help release endorphins, improve brain functionality and memory, and help us feel energetic--it feels like a great prompt to kick off this un-slump with! 
I also feel like there's an interesting connection between art and play--on one hand art is such a great vehicle for creating and playing with colors, materials, and our imaginations! On the other hand, play can get lost in art when it brings out the perfectionism in us or make us frustrated when we seem to make a mistake or things aren't turning out the way we pictured in our minds.
No matter how you decide to interpret this prompt, let's take the pressure off, have fun from start to finish, enjoy the process, and not stress about how our page turns out! 

What do you want to play around with? What does fun look like for you?
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  • Art For Kids I love checking out art projects that are designed for kiddos because even though we might be a little bit older, they can still unlock a lot of creativity and fun! Consider trying one this week, using one as your background to start off your page, figuring out how to elevate it, or taking the technique and making it your own (like choosing a different color palette, adjusting the scale/size, placement). Here are some ideas to help you get started: Kids Art Projects
  • Julian Frost's Playfully Animated Scenes
  • Play With Materials/Tools You'd Find In A Classroom Crayons (here's some inspo from Crayon Rabbit--keep in mind they are using oil pastels but their strokes, layering of colors might be something you can try with crayons or another tool you have handy!) stickers, pipe cleaners, construction paper, Elmer's Glue. Doodle, make some marks, cut out some paper, glue things onto your page-see what you come up with!
  • Fun Fashion Here are some whimsical looks--how can they be translated on paper? Embroidery, using fabric/buttons/lace/fringe etc., sewing paper together…
  • Nostalgia Find inspiration in toys from your childhood, books you read when you were little, a game or stuffed animal you loved, your first art project. I did this for 7 days a few years ago, you can read more here: 7 Day Sketchbook Challenge (The links to all 7 days are at the bottom of the post.)
  • Playfulness Abounds In this Multifunctional Park Take inspiration from this amazing park! Check out the shapes, colors, and textures and also consider the different sections of the park and how it can translate to the flow and layout of your piece: a very textured spot that leads to fun bright colors that takes you to an embroidered section.
  • Mark Making With Toys Can Legos be used as stamps? What happens when you roll the wheels of a toy car in paint? Or trace and fill in the shadows of action figures and dolls?
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  • Gaming Whether you're into board games or video games, there's plenty of inspiration to be found here: the pieces and cards, music and fashion. You could even try designing your own board or card! Example: For board game, I'd pick Candy Land and turn it into an abstract piece with thick acrylic paint that mimics frosting on a cupcake, glitter to represent the sugar on gumdrops, and bright colors that remind me of the game board!
  • A Theatrical Performance or Film Create a page inspired by your favorite play: use a line from it, focus on one character, interpret a scene, or create an abstract piece that captures the feel and mood of the play.
  • Play like a Surrealist 13 Surrealist Games & Techniques to unleash your creativity
  • Amusement, relaxation, entertainment, leisure, recreation, fun are some synonyms for play that you might find more connection with.
  • “To any musician young or old a beautiful studio full of instruments is like a playground…” “PLAY” by Dave Grohl celebrates the rewards and challenges of dedicating one’s life to playing and mastering a musical instrument. Part one opens with narrated behind the scenes footage featuring discussion of the love of playing music and the lifelong relationship with an instrument, and detailing the process and challenges of recording and filming this unique performance. “PLAY" film then segues to the titular 23-minute, one-man-band instrumental recording on which Grohl plays all seven instruments on the track, all live. (Even if you don't watch the entire thing, the intro is worth checking out!)
  • Go For A Literal Approach A scene of people playing, arrange some toys on a table to use for a still life, use the word “play” in your piece.
  • Or Try A More Abstract Approach What colors, shapes, type of marks, composition does “play” look like to you?

If you feel comfortable sharing (no pressure!), please reply to this email with a few words on how you'll be interpreting this prompt, photos of your process, or your finished page. If you're posting on social media, don't forget to tag me @atiliay and use the hashtags #SSUNSLUMP and #CREATIVESPARKNL. 
Have fun playing around and creating your page--I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Enjoy your weekend and talk to you on Tuesday,
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