July 2023 | Issue No. 38


Hello & welcome to my July 2023 newsletter! As promised, this month I'm sharing one of my very favorite summer recipes with you…stuffed squash blossoms. Squash blossoms are considered a delicacy. I love the idea of being able to use the flowers that do not produce a squash on almost any squash plant, including pumpkin blossoms. I grew up eating squash blossoms scrambled in eggs or in an omelet in the summer. I think it was the easiest way for my Mom to cook them & she loved eggs. In 2006, I went to Italy for the first time to meet relatives & quickly became a fan of having the fried blossoms. Isn't everything better fried!?!?  Have you tried this most delicious dish? If not, you're in for a treat!
The blossoms pictured for this recipe came from a round zucchini plant that I grew from seeds bought on my '06 trip to Italy.
This zucchini is the first one harvested so far this summer. If you don't grow squash, you can often find the blossoms at the farmers market around town, but go early because they sell fast. If you grow your own, pick them first thing in the morning so you get the bright big open blossoms. You'll want to pick only the flowers that do not have a tiny squash on the end. They will keep for a few days in your veggie drawer in a plastic bag if you want to gather enough over a few days. If they close up, you can gently open them up just enough to stuff them, or make a small slit in the side. 
Mix the herbs, garlic, salt & pepper into your cheese or hummus to make the filling (I smash the herbs into the cheese with a fork). Beat the egg in a mixing bowl, then add the flour to the egg along with a dash of salt/pepper & stir. Whisk in the cup of seltzer until the tempura batter is smooth & thin enough to dredge the blossoms. 
Fill the squash blossoms about half way full with the filling. Gently twist the ends closed. Heat the oil in your small frying pan on medium. Gently dip the stuffed blossom in the batter holding the twisted end so your filling doesn't fall out. Carefully twist the end again once the blossom is battered. Fry it in the hot oil till light brown, turning once with a slotted spoon. Once lightly browned & crisp on both sides, take out of the oil & put on a paper towel-lined plate. I usually just fry 2 or 3 at a time. 
another favorite while the 
blossoms are in season…
squash blossom quiche

An Update & Congratulations!

As you may know, a portion of my earnings each year is being set aside to assist with the financial needs of women working toward their degrees in higher education. I am so proud to share that the first recipient of the Jen Wilson Home Team Scholarship, Marisa L. C de Baca, has completed her MSW Clinical Concentration degree & graduated from New Mexico Highlands University in May. Her future plans include working within the trauma field, focusing on somatic & non-ordinary states of consciousness therapy. She hopes to open a center supporting those who work in spiritually-centered modalities of therapeutic connection. 
Marisa received the prestigious Facundo Valdez Exemplary Award in her last semester & presented during a legislative session as part of her course work. I have enjoyed witnessing her growth during her studies & cannot wait to see the difference she will continue to make in our community, state & world. It is an honor to celebrate her achievement alongside her & I know that her contributions to our community will be purposeful & far-reaching.

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The real estate market in Albuquerque continues to experience low inventory of available homes into the second half of 2023. If you, or anyone you know, are considering selling, now is the time! I can help you ready your house to list & through navigating negotiations. Visit nmhouse.com for more information on all the benefits of having an experienced Realtor by your side during this process. If you are seeking a new home, I can help you achieve your homeownership goals. Call me today or visit the Buyers page on my website to find out more.

Thanks for joining me for this month's newsletter. I hope you'll have time to try out my very favorite stuffed squash blossom recipe…it's like summertime in a dish. And I hope you're faring well & beating the heat so far this season. Join me next month for an exploration of some of Albuquerque's hidden gems, the quirky little museums around town that you may -or may not- know about. Just another fun way to spend time, cool down & learn something new. 

Until next time,
