Hi friends,
We're more than halfway through the year, and when I stop to think about it, my brain immediately does two things. First, I feel a sense of panic about all the things I haven't accomplished this year. Then, as quickly as that thought comes, it disappears to make room for a new and more compassionate one: things will get done when they get done. I toggle between these two and realize there is a healthy tension in having both feelings.
When I look back at the things I have accomplished, I realize it has never been a straightforward path for me. I wish I could be the person who sets a goal, works towards it, and accomplishes it. For better or worse, I just don't think I am designed that way. Instead, I am more of the meandering type.
My pattern is that I take two steps forward, one step back. For example, at the beginning of the year, my goal was to engage in daily movement, preferably in the form of a dedicated 20 to 30-minute session. I started off strong, then stopped. Then started again, and then stopped. Currently, I'm on a 2-day streak, so let's see how it goes this weekend.
Here's the thing. I could easily feel disappointed with myself for not having reached my goal of daily movement this year. In fact, there are large chunks of time missing here, literally weeks where I didn't get it in. But then I look at the big picture. If we're being honest, I used to never exercise, like at all. The fact that I even enjoy it now is huge progress for me. It's still hard for me sometimes to overcome the mental blocks I have with it, but I think the biggest change I've made here is that I now identify as someone who enjoys movement. Even if it's not something I prioritize every single day, it is a part of my identity and lifestyle.
Although it feels like I'm taking two steps forward and one step back, I remember that I am still moving forward. My pace may be slower, but I am staying on track. I'm trying to embrace the rhythm of this dance because I know that progress isn't always linear (rarely for me), and it's the consistency and perseverance that ultimately lead to success. And when I have those sneaky moments of feeling bad about it, I literally just picture myself doing this dance. The lightness of it makes me laugh and reminds me that it's going to be ok. We're all going to be okay.  
How about you? Are you the type of person who sets a goal and runs towards it? If so, I want to hear how you do it! And is anyone truly like this? Or are we all sort of meandering on our paths? Please share your stories with me! I love hearing your thoughts and feedback.
Much love,
ps. Thank you to everyone who shared their ADHD and EMDR stories with me last week. Apparently, both of these topics stirred up a lot thoughts and it was interesting to learn about your personal experiences with it. And it's yet another reminder that even though experiencing these things can feel lonely, we're not actually alone and everyone is going through something. I'm incredibly thankful to hear from you. ❤️
5 Things I'm Loving This Week!
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xo, Lisa Michelle