Each season has its own flavor. Summer happens to be one of my faves. It's that time of year when we get to spend more time with our scholars. It's a container of hard work, exploration and growth.
In a lot of ways, McNair summers are about discovering your future.
How are you doing this summer? What are you discovering about yourself? How are you using this time of year when time seems to slow, if ever so slightly? Campuses are quiet even when work is still happening.
I like to look for pockets. Pockets of time. Moments in your day you can really sink into. Maybe that's early in the morning before going into lab. Popping into your favorite coffee shop. Taking a lazy afternoon walk without your phone. Pausing to catch the sunset on your way home. Breathing deep.
What special moments are you capturing this summer? What revelations might you be having about your future? Even when you're in the thick of things, you can still stop to notice.
Use the beauty of summer as your tunnel of growth. ✨
As the days fold into one another, decide right now, what is important to you and make that one thing happen before you find yourself swirling into fall. Take a moment (or two) for yourself and just sink in.