the harvest
day 2
Hey First name / friend,

Good morning, welcome to day 2.
Let's do some unpacking. We all have a money story. Spend some time exploring yours. And if your focus is something else for this container, sub money for… relationships, creativity, connection, health, etc… 
Questions to ask yourself:
Do you believe you have to work really hard to make money?
Do you believe money is evil? Or have any negative feelings around money? Do you want to have money?
What are the typical conversations you have around money?
What are the quality of your thoughts around money?
Do you feel abundant or in lack?
Do you feel blocked? Like there is some obstacle to money?
Do you take responsibility for your money situation? Do you feel trapped/stuck/a victim?
Do you believe you can earn a prosperous living doing what you love?
Do you take pride in your frugality? In being a starving artist?
How does money serve you?
Do you feel stress around money?
Do you judge wealthy people?
Do you have gratitude for what you have or are you always feeling like it’s not enough?
Do you earn less than you are worth?
Do you give away your services or time without being able to take care of yourself?
What money story do you come from?
What is your money story that you tell?
What other stories do you have around money?
How has your money story served you? If you’re in lack or scarcity, what is the payoff?
How might negative money stories relate to your relationship to your own inner currency?
Journal dump it all out. All the negative self talk, all the limiting beliefs, all the judgments, all the muck, the obstacles, the challenges, the stories you run on repeat, the ways you catastrophize or make - “it's always statements. Ignoring the negative is bypassing. We want to bring awareness, look it squarely in the eye, do any deconditioning we need to, and then consciously choose to shift our perspective. 
To realize our words and thoughts matter and that when we say things like “I never have enough” - it's actually not true, and damaging. Once you've written it all out, reframe. When are the times when you did have enough, when you felt abundant in resources, in time, in spaciousness, in health, in inspiration, in nourishment, in relationships, in support, in creativity, etc…
What are the low vibrations you can spend time intentionally releasing now before we move into a Cancer New Moon (which invites us to evaluate the ways in which we want to be nourished). Can you bring it out of your head and into your feels. Can you move it through your body. If you didn't get a change to do the Emo Class yesterday, bring your feels through today.
Members dive deeper with your money story roots here. And feel free to bring them through a breathwork or other resonant practice in Decondition + Rewire.
Practice Subagh Kriya. 

By your side,
radiating love
amanda b