the harvest
day 3
Hey First name / friend,

Good morning, welcome to day 3. Happy Moon-day Monday + New Moon in Cancer! It will peak today at 11:32A PT.
This is a great day to begin exploring the NEW MOON PORTAL and one where you really wanna work on dropping into your feels and taking your logical mind out of it. We don't wanna craft visions and wishes until after the time of the New Moon but even in feeling into what seeds you want to plant, it's important to really focus on how you want to FEEL
One of my favorite exercises is crafting my perfect day/week/month. Some contemplations. 
What does your ratio of input to output look like? Pleasure and play to work? What kind of food are you eating? How are you moving your body? Where are you in the world? How much time do you have? Does life feel spacious? Who are you spending time with? What do your mornings, afternoons and evenings look like? What does life FEEL like? What kind of Goddess energy are you connected to? How much time are you on/off screens? Social Media? What is your ratio of learning/resourcing and sharing/service? What time do you wake up and go to bed? How do you wind down (what's most aligned based on your energy type)? How do you consume with intention? How are you leaning in to romance? Are you going on a date each week with your partner? Yourself? How are you aligned with the energy Jupiter + Venus are inviting us to embody? How are you authentically expressed? How much time do you have for creativity? For ritual? For connection? For solitude? How much laughter is part of your day to day? What are you wearing?…
Write it all out!! Get super clear on the days of your desired future self. And… 
Listen for intuitive hits!!! Practice some emotional hygiene. Clear the static so you can hear your intuition. Have a good cry. Members the Connecting to Your Inner Truth Breathwork is a great one for today or the New Moon Breathwork (Anew Playlist) within the New Moon portal.
And get to know the New Moon vibes
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
The Nodes are on the move! 

By your side,
radiating love
amanda b