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Hi First name / Friend
I have come to realise that summer is just not my season - but it teaches me a lot about myself.
I don’t know if it’s because I lived in the Southern Hemisphere for most of my life, or it’s just because I struggle to let go and relax, but the summer slow down that happens in the UK always feels a little strange for me.
I have always associated the end of the year with relaxing, spending time with friends and family or going away on Holiday. 
Most of my December memories are filled with hours lounging around the pool, feeling the warm earth beneath me as we soaked up the sun, jumping from the cool pool to the soft grass as we lay on warm towels, not a care in the world! 
Most businesses shut down in December, the school year would end and going away on holiday and meeting friends and family at the beach was a ritual I had come to savour! 
And so it feels so odd for me to take leave in the middle of the year, for my daughter to be finishing school and the general slowdown that happens in August. 
It’s like my mind just doesn't associate this time of year with rest, or that “Schools out for Summer” vibe.
But this year, I am trying to gently ease myself into a summer slow down, because I can feel it’s what my body is craving. 
Making more space for rest, embracing the fact that this is a great time to take a break as most people are enjoying their summers too, trying to recalibrate and reconnect to the season that I am actually in. And to allow myself to admit that this is not my favourite season, but I need to embrace it for the lessons and opportunity for internal growth that it creates.
I have also come to realise that most of my creativity and energy actually comes in the darker months - I feel more alive, more connected and more expansive in Autumn and Winter. And so I don’t actually have as much creative energy anyway.
Which reminds me of the chats I have been having with my clients recently - about recognising the season you are in (and how sometimes these might not match up with what is going on externally in our world). 
I keep having the same conversations about giving yourself permission to do what you can over the summer. And so if you need it, here is a gentle reminder to not expect too much from yourself over the summer.
There will always be seasons where you just need to put your business on maintenance mode.
You might find yourself feeling like you should be doing more, creating more, but what I have been reminding my clients is that it’s ok to just be focusing on the bare essentials right now (especially if you have additional childcare responsibilities over the summer, or in the wedding industry and are overloaded with client work - maybe even both)?
One of the many things that I love about my retainer work is that while you are in maintenance mode, I am gently tending to foundational things in your business that are going to amplify your energy when the season turns and you need to be focussed on generating new business and growth.
But this isn’t always possible, especially when you don’t have outside support in your business. So be kind to yourself 💕

Taking what I have learned from my retainer work, and living more in-tune with the seasons, I have re-imagined my VIP days into Co-Creation Days and Reset days.
Although the structure of the day has remained the same, the energies are very different.
Co-Creation days are focussed on Spring and Summer energy -  centred around the idea of planting seeds and nurturing new relationships as well as growth and strengthening your brand connection. 
Reset days have a very different energy. They offer the opportunity to pause, reflect & look inward to find more balance. To tend to the behind-the-scenes of your business to find more ease. Using Autumn and Winter energy as a guide, these VIP days are focussed on nourishing yourself (and your clients), and letting go of what no longer serves you. Looking inward to see what is working and what you can simply release.
Depending on what you are feeling by the end of the summer - if you are looking to release or build I invite you to explore how these VIP Days could help you in your business.
I have 2 Slots available In September and two in October. I realise that sometimes it’s hard to even tell what you need, which is why a discovery call is a great way to identify what is most important to you right now and to set some intentions ✨
Please reach out if you need a little extra support in your business.
Wishing you a long and lazy August!
Sending all my love,
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Ways we can work together
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