the harvest
day 4
Hey First name / friend,

Welcome to day four! If you're doing Subagh Kriya (and I hope that you are… b/c it is powerful) how are your arms? 😂 Are you hanging in? I've been laughing my way through them because my shoulders are on FIRE! So know I'm not just breezing through and as McLean said - we're all gonna have some sweet guns following this. If you feel like sharing about your journey on social as you go, I'd love to hear. You can tag @barneyandflow and #SOPIYKYK and I'll share them so we can all be connected, lifted and expanded by each other. 
Today is a great day to continue to hone your vision and make your wishes if you haven't already. New Moon energy is the perfect time to make wishes, pen to paper. More than one, no more than ten. 
You can wish for anything you like AND a Cancer New Moon will be particularly aligned for making wishes around what makes you feel deeply nourished, around home, family, ancestry, roots - including pulling your obstacles, dis-ease, limiting beliefs up by their roots, pulling cords out by their roots, healing, inner child work + reparenting, tending your emotional landscape, sensitivities, default settings + filling your cup.
And, maybe you do the six card spread to help hone your vision. I will be! It's also a great day to put that Vision in your Healy if you have the Success Coach. I made this handout for support and there will be a video coming tomorrow. 
And continue to play in the New Moon vibes! What's feeling resonant + supportive for you?
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading the first 48 pages (three chapters) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b