the harvest
day 5
Hey First name / friend,
“A clear vision can unleash extraordinary, mind-boggling power.” 
- Lewis Howes

Now that we have spent some time crafting our Vision and making our wishes (if you haven't yet, dive in today) we can turn our attention to how we will get from here to there. While we will dig more into action steps in the Waxing module, as well as exploring your uniqueness thru your bodygraph + natal chart, we can begin to plant seeds around goals and steps we can take to lean in, and start to more fully embody our desired future self. How might you lean in to what would feel like your ideal days?
What one action can you take this week to move closer to your VISION and to the archetype of your desired future self? Can you create more space in your mornings? Wind down with some dedicated self care at night? Begin a new ritual? Spend less time on social media? Watch less TV? Watch something you've been wanting? Fix something you've been putting off? Read a classic? Research something? Send an email you've been avoiding? Take yourself on a date? Look at your money? Reach out to a friend for dinner? Begin Subagh if you haven't? Bring some beauty into your home? Get out into nature? Spend time with animals? Learn something new? Adorn yourself? Treat yourself? Create a loving budget? Eat differently? Move differently? Dress differently? How does your future self speak? Share? Tend to their radiance? 
Grease new grooves.
Tend to your prosperity with purpose.
Experiment with stacking new habits on old. If you have a Healy, try vibrating the results of your scans to yourself every time you eat and/or brush your teeth. When we attach new ways of being to things we do everyday we are more likely to stick with it. You can find a video and the PDF for the Coaching module inside The Harvest portal. 
And continue to explore the New Moon
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading the first 48 pages (three chapters) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b