the harvest
day 6
Hey First name / friend,

Today I wanted to share a tool which is end of day abundance inventory, a bit like gratitude journaling with a twist and a practice I invite you to do daily for the remainder of the container. 
In the same way you can keep a gratitude journal you can also keep an abundance one: where did you receive each day.. someone bought you coffee, you got paid for something, a free service, you found money in your jeans, received a gift, support, a door opened, a bath drawn, a meal made, a gem found, etc..
This helps us to focus on abundance: we always have abundance in our life… time with friends, time in nature, a kindness offered during your day, a beautiful space to live in, vegetables from your neighbors garden, time space in your day for yourself, etc..
What we focus on grows. So feel into some gratitude for all the ways you felt abundant each day. Write down at least 3 things each evening.
Members can find SO many tools + action steps around prosperity here within The Art of Magnetism. 
AND, in the Newsletter I mentioned the Saturn/Mars pissing match today. We will touch on Mars later, but if you have time, today might be a day to read about your Conscious Saturn Gate. In Human Design Saturn is where we deal with the consequences. These are the energies where we will tend to pay for our mistakes, and by mistakes, I typically mean the habitual patterns and/or incorrect, out of alignment actions, that are not serving our highest good.
These energies and how they are expressing offer us a signpost as to when we are on or off path. They may be tied to how we discipline ourself and/or how we feel judged and sort of put into our place by the Universe. When we are out of alignment, Saturn will attempt to get us back in line with our correct laws and values.
Our Conscious Saturn demands discipline + authentic maturation in this space. It is subject to the “laws of nature”. When we can sort of live up to this archetype, we can more fully reap the harvest. In addition, in order to unlock the benefits + expansion of Jupiter, we need to first learn what Saturn is here to teach us.
If you are a member, look up your Gate here and choose a prompt or integration step. If not, or even if, you can read about it in the Gene Keys book and/or here
How do you relate or not to these energies?
What might be some ways to incorporate or raise the vibration of each energy?
How might these energies show up when you are off path, experiencing challenges?
Do you feel pushed back to the lessons here?
Create an affirmation of the Gift of the energies to anchor/lean in to their high vibrations.
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading the first 48 pages (three chapters) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. See you tomorrow!!!!
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b