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Packed schedules and exchanging your time
As a result of being a mom to four amazing girls, along with my own work life, and a busy-pants summer; I've found myself spending a lot of time in the car. Two of my girls are entering their teenage years with social lives and activities that demand their time and mine. Lately, I've been feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, like a victim of my own busy schedule. 
I hate a victim mindset. But sometimes my head goes there first. “Ugh, why do I have to…” and then I remind myself. I’m a grown-up. I don’t have to do anything. I chose these kids. I chose these goals. I chose my life. What can I do to fix what is making me feel overwhelmed? 
Namely, I’ve been struggling to find time to sit and record my podcast. And so I asked myself - what could I do instead of sitting at my desk and recording? Well, I spend at least 2 hours in the car driving every day - what if I could get it done on the go!?
So, I've decided to make the most of my driving time. I've set up my car as a recording studio and now use my commute to export what’s on my mind - and give me some time back.
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I've come to realize the importance of finding an exchange of time in life. Everything cannot be eternally additive. A new commitment has to replace something else. 
Where can you find the time for the thing you want to do?
  • Go to bed an hour earlier so you can get up an hour earlier
  • Replace 15 minutes of Instagram scrolling with 15 minutes of meditation
  • Exchange an evening tv show with a 30 min walk with your spouse
  • Call your mom on your way to pick up kids from practice
  • Finish dinner with everyone spending 10 minutes picking up the house
Everything we want in life we can get. The question is, how will you architect your time to get there? 
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Don’t forget to tell your people you love them. 
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P.S. We have been overwhelmed by your feedback. We are moving forward with developing an online course focused on helping two-career families streamline the ordinary, so they have time for the extraordinary. If you have not yet shared your feedback - we invite you do to so here! Your voice will help us make it great.
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