the harvest
day 7
Hey First name / friend,

First and foremost, celebrate completing your first week in what ever way you showed up. If you didn't show up at all, begin now, with one small action. If you did 7 days of Subagh, seriously find a way to celebrate yourself today. It's a big accomplishment. I mean it, do something in recognition. Treat yourself, adorn yourself, carve out some time for some extra self care…
Look back at your first week. How did it go? What invites honoring? What invites deeper devotion? What would you like to do differently? Are you taking some steps toward that vivid ideal day you painted? And, if you didn't start Subagh but are feeling called (or utter and total resistance), you can begin a 40 day practice ANYTIME. Today is the perfect day to begin. Or begin again. 
Whether you've done the reading for today or not, I hope you'll show up to book club. This is a chance to discuss the book, yes, but also to connect to others in the container. And, I invite you to connect to them daily, to hold space during your morning practice that everyone taps bigger dreams + levels of expansion this month. That all of the sweet souls who signed up for greater prosperity, receive it, RECEIVE, beyond their wildest dreams. Hold the space for collective benefits because it's a beautiful practice and because it will make your own practice more potent. 
And, book club is an opportunity to connect to some faces, to discuss challenges and workshop anything up for you, to marinate in the energy of this sacred container. I hope to see you!! 
Meeting ID: 821 4375 2685
Passcode: RADIANT
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading the first 48 pages (three chapters) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club TODAY (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. See you soon!!!!
Poke your head in the Waxing Portal. It's time to craft, plan and take action!!! 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b