An invitation,
to slow your roll.
What are you missing?
You have a lot of things to do. Like all of us, you probably move through your day - mostly on auto-pilot. Going from thing to thing. Interrupting yourself with more things. All the things turn into more things.
The question is: what are you missing when you're tending to all the things? Obviously you have to do the things. We need you to do the things. So this is an invitation to find space within the doing of all the things. ✨
This is an invitation to create space for yourself within the doing so that you can investigate what it feels like to move into being. The truth is, it's easier to just stick with the doing. It's what we know. It comes naturally. It's easier to distract ourselves with this and that.
Summer is a great time to investigate BEING. How does it feel in your body? What do you notice about yourself? What do you notice about your surroundings? Maybe some hard things come up. Just try to sit with it.
A daily mindfulness practice can you help you shift into being with greater ease. It can help you cultivate awareness you didn't even know you're missing. It can help you move through your day from a place of greater choosing instead of simply cruising on auto-pilot.
Our 365 space is here to support you in discovering what it means to be well and teach you how to cultivate more mindfulness in your daily life. Log into our 365 space TODAY and leave a comment - let us know how you're doing and let us know what you're noticing when you allow yourself to simply BE. ✨

find beauty in nature
There is so much beauty that surrounds us, no matter what kind of landscape you find yourself in. Try taking a walk on campus to simply notice.


find beauty within
You are beautiful, scars and all. Learn to embrace your beauty by noticing its texture and layers. When you slow down long enough to notice, chances are you will find a gold mine.

find beauty in others
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One of the greatest gifts is being connected with others. It's what makes TRIO and our 365 space special. ✨

Together in slowing down long enough to simply be.
Lynn Curry
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