the harvest
day 9
Hey First name / friend,

The Sun moves into Leo - inviting us to greater relationship with our authentic truth and expression, into creativity, into PLAY and following our HEART!
Since the Sun is in its domain in Leo let's spend some intentional time with our Conscious Sun in relationship to our Life's Work (it has another tie to Prosperity we'll get into later). Read about your Conscious Sun Gate in the Gene Keys, integration steps and keys inside The Collective, or here. I also highly recommend if you have not already, pulling your Free Profile on Gene Keys which will relate this gate directly to your life's work amongst insight around the rest of your Incarnation Cross (an influence of around 70% in your bodygraph - pretty big deal). 
Tidbits on the lines for those who are not members, which also happens to be the first number in your Profile
1 - The Creator | The Anchor | The Investigator
Here to create something new. Discover. Your idea. Something that emerges from deep inside you. Original with vital creative element. Without that you will never feel fulfilled in life. Gets down to the core of things. Transitions from insecurity to security.
2- The Dancer | Fluid | Natural Talent
Self expression. The gifts in life that come to you naturally and easily. The things you’re best at. That you LOVE. The things you can do without even thinking. Inherent natural gift that emanates from you. The thing you do with the most grace and ease. The things you lose time doing. Do you, your thing.
3- The Changer | Adaptability | Trial and Error
Experiment and adapts. Don’t often manifest the kind of stability the other lines have. Colorful, but when in shadow, it can be chaos. Learn to let go of what you think of as normal. Embrace the different chapters/people/experiences that come and go. impermanence. Think with the lenses dynamic, changing, adaptable to get closer to your life work.
4- The Server | Opportunist | Networker
Innate ability to influence people. Shares and spreads. Depending on your attitude you can draw folks in or repeal them. Your life’s work is most healthfully expressed through service. Maybe that means actual service maybe it means courtesy or refinement or quality work. Giving your gifts for the sake of others, to make them smile. You gain opportunity through community.
5- The Fixer | Heretic | Projection
Pure practicality. Decides whether something is really going to be helpful to people or not. Capacity for great success. Creating greater efficiency in the world. Your gifts are well organized and needed by people. Can challenge the norms of society and connect to people easily, even strangers.
6- The Teacher | The Role Model | Embodied Wisdom
Lives by different laws. Always asking why? Capacity to be the wisest. The archetype of the teacher. you understand how to allow for the emergence of others gifts with the right environment. Good to understand the other 5 lines approaches + have patience. Your gifts are ample but can take your lifetime to fully emerge. 
Members dive deeper in The Meeting Ground
Thanking your Money Ritual (the practice shared by Jen at bookclub).
  • Create an altar with a box/vessel for your notes and fresh flowers.
  • Every time money flows into your life whether it's $1 or $10,000 you sit down and write a thank you letter to her. Share how grateful you are for her arrival, perhaps tell her what you think you'll do with her (spend, save, invest, treat yourself…) and say I am so grateful I will turn you into ‘x’ amount (maybe add some zeros - $10 into $1,000, $250 into $2500, etc.. ).
  • Take the piece of paper that you wrote the note on and hold it to your heart, close your eyes and RECEIVE the energy of tthe money fully with your whole being and then place it in the box. 
  • Keep the flowers fresh and maybe place a beautiful crystal on top like quartz, citrine, pyrite or whatever resonates with you.
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 49-108 (thru chapter 7) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. 
Poke your head in the Waxing Portal. It's time to craft, plan and take action!!! 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b