the harvest
day 10
Hey First name / friend,

Take a break today and go have some fun! When we nourish our soul and do what lights us up we become more magnetic. But before you do….
D A N C E !!!!! 
Maybe you just dance this morning or maybe it inspires you to begin every day of the rest of this container at least moving the feels through your body and connecting to joy but either way, today… we dance! If you need some inspiration you might find some here. And, if you feel like sharing on social, please do! There is so much power in that energy of sharing and amplification - be sure to tag me @barneyandflow and #SOPIYKYK so I can connect everyone through sharing it. 
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 49-108 (thru chapter 7) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. 
Utilize the Waxing Portal. It's time to craft, plan and take action!!! 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b