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💌 Content ideas if you're launching in the Fall
🎙️Tips to build buzz pre-launch
😌Your ‘Lazy on LinkedIn’ tip
📣 Event: ‘Your Next Launch is Only as Good as Your Last Debrief’
Summer is for FUN! It's about the smell of sunscreen, OOO auto-responders, and plunges into the cold Pacific Ocean (at least for me.) 
That's why so many of us are planning on launching something new in our business after summer break, in September or October.
And … a successful launch includes priming your audience ahead of time. Even if it seems like everyone is out of the office.  
I mean, you're reading this email, aren't you First name / friend? 😉
If you've got a new offer, campaign, website refresh, or even if you're looking for a few new retainer clients in the fall, here are THREE content ideas prompts to plant a seed with your audience. 🌱
Why does the transformation you provide MATTER? Not just for the reader, but for the communities they belong to or care about. 
Here’s an example of what this can look like in action. It's written by Danielle Tucker, a Brand Coach for Speakers and participant in the last LinkedIn Content Sprint.  
Why did you start your business or join your nonprofit? How does that unique origin story flavor the unique way you support people today?
Here's an example from Wendy Kendall, an Executive Coach for therapists building thriving private practices and participant in the last LinkedIn Content Sprint
What's your spicy hot take on the industry you work in? What's a POV you carry that will draw a line in the sand?  
Here's an example from Arden Elizabeth Evenson, a comms strategist for inclusive fintech companies and participant in the LinkedIn Content Sprint
Does this tickle any content ideas for you? Reply and let me know! 
Your Lazy on LinkedIn Tip: 
Repurpose Content Based on “What's Worked”
Don't reinvent the wheel. Just follow the old content marketer adage: create once, share again and again!
Review your LinkedIn analytics by clicking 'Home' and then 'Analytics & tools" on the left hand side of your screen. Turning on Creator Mode will give you the best information.  
Click on 'Post impressions" and then filter it to see your content for the last 365 days. I personally prefer filtering by engagements vs. impressions, but that's up to you!
This will show you what has already sparked resonance in your audience. Take what's worked and repurpose these stories, insights, and perspectives into fresh NEW content. 
There are plenty of folks who weren't following you the first time you shared it. Or, they may need to see it again to spark that shift in their hearts and minds.  
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Your Next Launch is Only as Good as Your Last Debrief
One of my business besties Melissa Harstine is hosting a free audio summit that's PERFECT for you if you're launching something this fall.  
8 go-to voices in the online business space - including my friends and past collaborators Jordan Gill, Celia Arias, and Britney Gardner - are spilling their secrets on debriefs.  
While this is technically geared towards course creators, we could all benefit from learning these strategies for our programs, services, events, podcast launches … and all the other awesome things we share with the world through our small biz's!
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Until next week … thanks for being here.
P.S. Ready to take the leap? I've got 3 ways to work together. 