the harvest
day 11
Hey First name / friend,

In Human Design our open centers are also referred to as our places for our greatest sacred experiential wisdom when we move toward mastery with their energy AND therefore, our profit centers. This means we can make money through our open centers when we’re living from our design (not our Not Self). We can use the wisdom of these open centers to hone our offerings, to write copy, to find more focus or a clearer vision when we learn how to really utilize the energy. We’re meant to be able to play in the energy of our open centers, to visit, go on an adventure and then pull back to our center, not becoming solid or attached to someone else’s energy. The more we do this and follow our strategy + authority the easier we can tap into this wisdom. Think about what the centers represent and how that can translate. Here are some examples:
CROWN/HEAD: inspiration + infinite possibilities, existential vibes
AJNA/MIND: distilling information, keeping an open mind, step by step guides, the mind
THROAT: getting attention, manifestation + self expression
G CENTER/SELF: direction, inner compass, magnetism, self love
WILL/HEART: feeling worthy, healthy ego, will + commitment
SOLAR PLEXUS: processing emotions + sharing from your emotional connection
SACRAL: knowing when enough is enough, work/life balance, sexuality, creativity, sustainability 
ROOT: efficiency + stress management, nervous system regulation, kundalini, pressure to balance, the spectrum of feat to trust
SPLEEN: wellness, the body, intuition, being here now
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 49-108 (thru chapter 7) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. 
Utilize the Waxing Portal. It's time to craft, plan and take action!!! 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b