the harvest
day 12
Hey First name / friend,

We've spoken about your Conscious Sun in relationship to your Life's Work in your Incarnation Cross but it also has another important signification which is that of your unique brand + it is magnetic. 
“Once you can stand apart from your role and witness your life playing out, you become an exponent of executive magic. The word ‘executive’ literally means ‘to follow out’; so executive magic really means to follow your own magic out into the material world. My personal definition of magic is also very simple - it is the art of doing nothing outside your own nature. ” 
— Richard Rudd
The archetype of this gate helps you to express your Life’s Work more fully and fluidly. In addition, it helps you align with your soul family, your Culture. In this way you can see how often the gates support + reinforce each other, many times as allies, in symbiosis, or like their own feedback loop. It can take courage to stand in our power and the truth of our brand + style, but when we do so we are a magnet for aligned and synchronistic support in the form of our fractal line, resonant situations, and opportunities.
The Shadow here is about the ways in which we may conform or step outside of our Brand into a “suit that does not fit”. Look to the ways here that your ego or that little voice in your mind may try to create obstacles, make you small, undermine you, or encourage you to do it like someone else, to compare, to imitate.
The line for this energy is the number after the decimal point of the gate. So if the number in the first box down on the right black column says 44.2, then your Conscious Sun is in gate 44, line 2. You would read the line of your Gate below and the line associated with your Gate. If you are not a member, read about your Gate in the Gene Keys book or Unlock is another resource. 
Line 1
Key characteristics: security, boldness, calm, assuredness, a physical perspective.
Cultivate: do the research you need to cultivate depth + ground yourself in knowledge.

Line 2
Key characteristics: passion, creativity + artistic expression, a physical perspective.
Cultivate: freedom of expression, embodied emotion, the courage to be utterly naturally yourself + release any onus put on what others think.

Line 3
Key characteristics: pleasure, humour, life experience (up’s and down’s), an emotional perspective.
Cultivate: experiences (remember they are all a success when you learn from them), embrace the unexpected.
Line 4
Key characteristics: feels, the HEART, an emotional perspective.
Cultivate: romance (a higher ideal of love), relationships, connections, bridges.
Line 5
Key characteristics: solutions oriented, somewhat impersonal, a mental perspective.
Cultivate: an ability to truly listen, considering others before taking action, delivering on your promises.

Line 6
Key characteristics: visionary, education, a mental perspective + one typically ahead of the pack.
Cultivate: contemplation, study, patience.
Members go deeper in Being Bounteous - Brand, with gifts and empowerment paths.
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 49-108 (thru chapter 7) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. 
Utilize the Waxing Portal. It's time to craft, plan and take action!!! 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b