the harvest
day 14
Hey First name / friend,

The Self or “G” Center is the Diamond shape (fourth center down from the top). It is where your magnetic monopole lives. It establishes your direction and identity and is the center for love in our chart. It is our connection to the Universe. It magnetizes experiences, life, to us. It is also how we uniquely tap into our abundance.
We have access to all the energy at times but we have consistent access to those that are defined in our chart (either black or red or a combination of both). Look to the defined energies here to see where you want to focus on calling in abundance.
If we are out of alignment in any of these energies; the Universe will draw experiences to us to help us grow and evolve:
Gate 10 - Self love (*Brid's Self Love Program)
Gate 7 - Leadership and empowerment (*Potency)
Gate 1 - Being authentic (*Throat Chakra)
Gate 13 - Your ability to let go. To forgive. To take the lesson and move forward. (*Release)
Gate 25 - Your ability to trust in the Universe/Source (*Crown Chakra)
Gate 46 - Are you grounded? Are you embodied? Is there vitality? (*Root)
Gate 2 - Do you believe you are worthy of what you desire? Are you able to receive? (*Wellbeing Soul)
Gate 15 - Are your choices in the Highest Good of All? Are you making a contribution? (*Coherence)
(*A Healy program suggestion to help bring balance + try searching in Heal Advisor)
If you’re feeling challenged in any of these areas the Universe is calling in lessons around these experiences to help you. See any patterns? Get clear on what they’re here to teach you so you can move forward.
Read more about the Self Center here.
MEMBERS - deep dive into the SELF CENTER in relationship to magnetism here
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
BOOK CLUB IS TODAY!!! We're reading pages 49-108 (thru chapter 7) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. 
Utilize the Waxing Portal. It's time to craft, plan and take action!!! 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b