Hi My Rising Vibe friends and new subscribers 🤗
Welcome to the newsletter where I talk about energy, spirituality, psychology, & creating a life that feels easy and free. 
This week I’m sharing a personal story, talking about July's Leo energy and firing up 🔥 our inner CEO. 
Before sharing my story, I'd like to acknowledge the impact of this month's intense energy on our nervous system.  Leo 🦁 season often ignites our inner fire🔥, as Leos are known for their charisma, self-assurance, and optimistic leadership. 
Leo energy may influence us to stand up for ourselves and initiate change. It's a powerful collective energy that feels empowering but can also feel like we're on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Having experienced numerous days of my own heightened emotions, I hope that sharing my story will be helpful to you! ❤️
It all started last week. A huge misunderstanding with a friend turned into what felt like a dark cloud that hung around for days. Even with my handy dandy healing tools, the negative thoughts wouldn’t budge. I knew there was a bigger lesson in hiding.
A profound lesson I learned years ago that always helps in times like these. 
Instead of thinking the standard, "Why is this happening TO me?" I like to switch gears and ask, "Why is this happening FOR me?"
It's my magic “energy shifting” potion! 🌟 
The contrast between these two mindsets is striking – one focuses on playing the victim, while the other emphasizes taking charge of my energy like a CEO.
After three days, the lesson finally dropped in. Just like that, I grasped the deeper meaning of what had happened between my friend and me and the best way to move forward.
When we learn the deeper meaning in situations of conflict, I think it's easier to forgive ourselves, others, and move on.
The profound lesson here is that we both hurt each other. We all yearn for love and appreciation, but our fears and defense mechanisms occasionally interfere.
It's not always easy to recognize this hidden meaning in the heat of the moment or even afterwards.
Shifting our perspective can be quite challenging.
From childhood, we learned about victims and victors, distinguishing between good and bad, right and wrong and the classic "us versus them" mentality. These narratives echo through our favorite books, movies, and TV shows. 
However, when we face difficult situations, particularly emotional ones, embracing awareness and self-reflection enables us to acknowledge our own part in the conflict. 
When we can make this shift, that's when true magic happens! 🌈
We all have both victor and victim energy within us. However, we can rise above the tendency to assign blame.
By letting go of the need to condemn others, we can transform our mindset. 
As our empathy expands, so does our emotional intelligence.
David Hawkins, Ph.D., author of “Letting Go” writes about letting go of suppressed emotions like this:
“Unfortunately, the inner experience of most people is marked by constant turmoil, most of which is psychological in origin.  In other words, the main stress the majority of us have is not due to external stimuli, but to the pressure of our own suppressed emotions. These emotions become the primary stressor so that, even in a calm external environment, we are still subject to chronic, internal strife.  The more emotional pressure that is surrendered and let go, the less vulnerable we are to the stress response and stress-related diseases.”
Each of us has the power to change our heart and energy vibration, and when we lean into our inner CEO, we embrace true magic.
Forgiveness came easier for me once I was able to empathize and understand how my actions hurt my friend. This quote seems fitting for my experience this week. I hope my shared experience resonates with you. 
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….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to you!!
p.s. Last week I shared the health benefits of Yoga Nidra. I've gotten positive feedback from many of my readers. If you're struggling with sleep, anxiety, or any health issue, I highly recommend adding it to your routine.
Also known as Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR), Yoga Nidra is an easier alternative for those who struggle with traditional meditation while offering similar health benefits. 
I love Yoga Nidra!!  I'm listening before bed and I'm sleeping so well.



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