the harvest
day 15
Hey First name / friend,

Mercury moves into Virgo today. A placement they really understand. This is what's called in domicile or rulership because Mercury rules Virgo. They will be here for awhile as Mercury will go Retrograde on the last day of this container. 
This may be a time when you are more tuned in to the details and also a time to be mindful of getting bogged down in details, perfectionism or self criticism. But if you've been thinking about doing some writing, get back into your podcast or sharing your ideas more outwardly this is a time when the stars are on your side. There may not be a lot of fluff around your words but you will certainly make your point. 
Our Conscious Mercury gate especially as well as the sign + element of our natal Mercury are great places to look for kind of how your mind works and how you are meant to share in the world (along with the voices in your Throat Center + connections from your Throat to other centers). 
These energies speak to us about our innate need within to communicate and what we need in order to be heard. Our Conscious Mercury gives us information about what we need to share in this life and what occupies our mind, the message we are here to share and therefore where we might become an authority in some way. Our Unconscious Mercury shows us themes we may often share without really understanding why we need to share them, the ways we communicate non-verbally + sometimes how we are unconsciously perceived by others. It also offers insight into our particular way of listening and hearing - the things we will hear again and again.
Ra says, “Mercury is closest to the Sun and thus metaphorically has its ear.” Consider that relationship both in your HD + astrologically.
Members go deeper here
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 109-157 (thru chapter 12) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. Come as you are! (and wherever you are in the reading is just fine) ;)
Utilize the Waxing Portal.
“Take goals seriously. A twenty year study involving students in a certain Ivy League university in the US traced the lives of one graduating class. Three percent of that class had their own written goals at the start of study. By the end of the twenty years, that 3 percent was worth more financially than the other 97 percent combined. They also reported more satisfaction and joy in their lives. ” 
— A Happy Pocket Full Of Money
Book club replays in the portal.
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b