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Hi Friends!
We have officially wrapped up the 4 Week Summer Shred and are gearing up for the busy back-to-school season! There is no EASY time to prioritize your health and life isn't going to slow down. We have to be intentional about the person we want to become and prioritize the habits that will help us get there! 
If I have not heard from you recently and you are struggling - PLEASE reach out to me! I don't know how to help if you don't let me know, so please let me know how I can help support you on your journey! 
I am SO READY to dial in my nutrition and get to work for the month of August! Our focus is going to be FASTer Way Time-Saving Tips & Tricks with lots of new updates to the meal guides! 
We all know that our workouts are the best out there as far as efficiency and effectiveness, so now our meal guides are getting an upgrade! We are rolling out 15-minute meals as well as meal guides being delivered two weeks at a time to help YOU plan better! 
Our nutrition is THE MOST IMPORTANT component to your health journey. We have to be strategic and keeping things simple is the best way to go! I am trying out several recipes this week from the meal guide and I hope you will look them over and find some that look good to you!
Be on the lookout for FASTer Way in the Kitchen! It is back- officially kicking off on August 1st at noon featuring a Protein Chocolate Chip Cookie! 
Let's have a great month together! I would love for you to reply to me and let me know your main goals for August!! 

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Note: Our 24 hour fast will be on August 24th.
Low Macro Day: On Low Macro Day we will decrease our overall calories by 25% and pair it with an active recovery day. 1200 calories is our absolute minimum on Low Macro Days. Even if your 25% less falls below.
Straight sets for the month of August!


please Reach out to me if you need 1:1 support! I am happy to hop on a call or chat through areas you are struggling with!

xo- Aubree

