Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your August energetic update!
Happy August 1st - the most epic day in the whole year! The day your's truly was born :) …but it's also a full moon today so, epic in legit astrological reasons, too.  
Right out the gate we have a super full moon in Aquarius on the 1st of the month! “Super moon”  = it's closer to earth, be sure to catch a glimpse as it'll be a big one in the sky. This month we have TWO full moons - one on the first day of the month and one on the last day of the month - this is called a “Blue Moon” which is rare. Hence the “once in a blue moon” saying. The new moon will be sandwiched between them on 8/16. (ah-hem, what a great month to join Astro Curious as we will have 3 moon events instead of 2)
We have a lot of retrogrades going on this month. Our good pal Mercury is feeling left out and will join the retrograde party later this month. This + Venus Retrograde will definitely be impacting our day-to-day lives as they are the personal planets. The outer planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto that are retrograde are more collective themes and background energy. But Mercury and Venus - we are going to feel these. Reminder retrogrades are gifts to us. They help us look at the themes of the planets in a new light. This is an amazing month to get things done that you previously didn't have time to devote to. It's also a great time to reconnect - to things, passions, people (not that toxic ex), goals and opportunities. 
We start the month in Leo Season which asks us to connect / re-connect with our passions. Do you make time for fun in your life-- with zero agenda for it to be for anything other than enjoyment? Do you let your talents be seen? On the 22nd we 
move into Virgo Season. Virgo Season asks us if we are taking the steps to bring what we are passionate about (Leo) into reality. Virgo brings in detailed work, great integrity and the ability to up level to reach potentials…one step at a time. We will all find ourselves getting more organized. Be careful of being too all or nothing during this season. Sometimes we can put so much pressure on things or be so overwhelmed by our to-dos that we get that procrastination paralyzation or the case of the “fuck-its” which then leads to self criticism - virgo low vibe. Set yourself up by tackling things little by little rather than getting caught up on giant leaps of perfection. Mercury and Mars are also in virgo - it's going to be the most virgo-y, virgo season ever! So much can get ironed out. With mercury retro - so much from past actions can get finalized. Virgo is also being of service - this may be a month where we are giving a lot of energy to support others. Don't forget to carve out some time for you!
Key dates : 
1st - Full moon in Aquarius at 9 degrees. A full moon in Aquarius asks us where we belong. Are you surrounded by the people that are aligned with the person you are becoming? Are you involved in things that expand you and give you purpose? There is so much going on in the sky this full moon. Mars trine Jupiter - success and expansion. This energy wants to skyrocket goals but be cautious of being too risky or too confident. On the other hand, we have Mercury opposite Saturn - pessimism or setbacks to plans. These two energies can temper each other in a beautiful way. Momentum but with patience and planning is the way to bring it together. Pluto is squaring the nodes - this is powerful AF. This is having us shed the past to transform the future. 
Collective themes - Aquarius also rules aliens… jus sayin. It also rules information for all, equality and technology. This full moon is illuminating these themes - sometimes in a low vibe way, sometimes in a high vibe way.
8/3 - Mercury Shadow Period Starts. For my friends that know about shadow period - I won't bore you with the explanation. it's like a pre-Mercury retro glimpse. I find that it can be more wonky than the actual retrograde. 
8/8 - Lion's Gate. Portal tiiime! This is when the sun in Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt and the star Sirius (brightest star) are lined up. It is the opening of the galactic gate and symbolizes an outburst of high-frequency energy or wisdom, that brings us a great opportunity for growth and manifestation. In Egyptian Astrology - the Lions gate is a big deal - they loved Sirius. It is on this day when they all of these things are also said to be in complete alignment with the pyramids of Giza. Pretty freaking magical ay? Even though I am not a big portal girlie - it can't hurt to set some intentions this day haha.
16th - New Moon in Leo 23 degrees. This new moon in general is hammering home the Leo Season themes of following or reigniting your passions. It is exactly square Uranus and packs a punch. This moon screams redirect and change. New moons bring new beginnings but these may be out of left field! If you've been ignoring your instincts and passions Uranus may restrict your freedom in some weird way so that you are forced to make a change. If you've been doing the bold, Leo way - this new moon could up level you fast! It is a time to be flexible - the more we try to control the more destabilizing it can feel.
23rd - Mercury Retrograde in Virgo begins (ends 9/15, shadow ends 9/30)
Here's my Mercury Retro Guide for the basics of what to expect. Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini so the Virgo part of Mercury gets double emphasis. In Virgo, we are getting a chance to fine tooth comb any projects or plans that need finishing touches. If your routine feels out of control - here's your chance to get it more organized. Virgo rules health so this is a great time to dive deep into that area of life. Health solutions can emerge. Old health routines can come back into your life. The overlap of Venus Retrograde and Mercury retrograde will certainly having people, things, opportunities and ideas coming back around!
For my pros - where does 8-21 degrees Virgo fall in your chart? This is an area of reexamination. 
30th - Blue Full Moon in Pisces 7 degrees - This full moon is highlighting the axis of hyper productivity vs escapism. Which end of the spectrum gets the best of you? This full moon is highlighting the need to recharge, have alone time, time to dream up what's next and to heal. Pisces high vibe = self care, spiritual practices, therapy. Pisces low vibe = avoidance, numbing out, addictive tendencies (this can be guised as “healthy” addictions like over working, health rigidity) as a way of not feeling what lies below the surface. This new moon is with Saturn which means you really can dedicate to a new practice or goal surrounding mental or spiritual health! Pluto also is very active in this chart - so much transformation is possible and a lot of things are being uncovered as far as what holds us back. 
Reminder that Venus is Retrograde all of August. Read last month's newsletter for a refresh! 
July is a Universal 6 Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, August is a 6 month. A 6 month is all about dedication, responsibility, nurturing, home, family, self care, healing and deepening relationships - or perhaps realizing which ones are no longer worth the energy and effort. Responsibilities or a focus on home and/or family may be predominant this month. Tied with the 7 year - we may have a lot of emotions bubbling up around these themes. This paired with the retrogrades, a lot from the past is coming up to be cleared out. Even if we thought we have “dealt” with it before - knock, knock bitch!
Against the background of self-reflection and soul-searching year, this month's sense of responsibility could be highlighting our need for deep connections and healing. It's time to get to know ourselves in a profound way. We may want to spend more time alone this month but the people in our lives may need more attention - this is the month to be there for them. It's dedication time! The right connections get deeper - the wrong ones become apparent. Paired with peak Venus retrograde and the Nodes now in the relationship axis, perhaps a glaring look at what / who you are valuing and if you are being valued in return. Relationship reevaluation x10!
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.

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The card of the month is the Hierophant. Time to level up, y'all! This is the card of wisdom, teaching, mentors, our higher self and the search for truth. 
We all may be in search for a higher meaning this month. Perhaps you'll go inward and connect to you higher wisdom. Or perhaps you will be seeking out this wisdom with the help of a mentor, teacher, specialist or spiritual advisor. Yes, this card is known for being “traditional” aka a bit stuffy and old school. But to me, it's a nice reminder that we don't always know everything and we can learn a lot by listening to those that have accrued the wisdom. So much of our wisdom is gained from experience- but we can't possibly experience it all first hand - so here's to the story tellers, the wisdom sharers! 
The Hierophant also represents beliefs. It's a great time to reflect on where we may be being too rigid in our beliefs / too rebellious of other people's beliefs. As we grow and change, our beliefs naturally will too. So, maybe we can be a little more flexible with them? It reminds me of a quote from Anthony Bourdain - “Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways.” 
Funny connection to Aquarius full moon on 8/1 :  Aquarius is non-traditional. It's ruled by Uranus, the planet of change and the future. Hierophant is the traditional, the old school. Are you seeing this juxtaposition in your life in areas? Can you strike a balance? The 6 month also feels a bit Hierophant-y too : the pull between what we want to be dedicating our time to vs what responsibilities need tending to. 

Book a Reading - Usually I release my schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month but life is so unpredictable for me at the moment that I have to release dates on a week by week basis. So, if you are looking to get in, keep an eye out on the booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious If you want to create a spiritual / self care practice surrounding the moon cycles, nerd out of all things spiritual, have community, direct access to me, get in flow with the cosmic cycles and get exclusive workshops and discounts to things I do that are open to non-members then this is for you! I mean, Saturn is in Pisces and it's a 7 year - let's get witchy! But seriously - it is my favorite thing and I love seeing everyone so in flow with themselves and the energy. It's $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE 
Workshops included inside of Astro Curious : Chiron, North/South Node, Progressed Moon, angles of the birth chart - coming up - synastry (compatibility) in astrology

On a personal note : 
Ha, gonna be long - it's my birthday, “let me express myself!” says the Leo, haha. My personal reflection around my North & South Node :
Today I am 37. The year of my “nodal return” - a time I have had on my radar for years. The north node is my favorite topic in Astrology. It's because when I learned about it, I was blown away. More so than any other topic in Astrology. (North node is where you need to go to find the most fulfillment yet it is unfamiliar and takes risks. The south node is always directly opposite and represents your natural gifts and comfort zone - yet if you stay stuck in this area you will feel like something is missing and held back. It can also represent some shadow sides). My south node in Libra in the 11th explained SO MUCH and has been the thing that so beautifully encapsulates me while simultaneously being my achilles heal. I have zero'd in on my North Node in the 5th house, in Aries, the past couple of years. While it was a bit out of my comfort zone at first (as everyone's NN is), it truly is where I feel the most fulfillment. It is me at my best. It's the creative leader placement. I've had to learn to do bold things, solo. To do it before I have seen other people do it - I have had to go in blind and trust my instincts. An Aries, 5th house NN can be a bit lonely at times because its going away from the double dose of support - 11th house is community, friends, groups and 7th is partnerships - to achieve independent fulfillment. The people pleasing shadow side of this double dose of “other” south node has been a huge lesson for me and one that I continue to slip into here and there. Though I am so much more savage now, I have to say haha :)
My business is also a Leo and turns 7 on 8/20. Which reminds me of my 30th birthday. I went to Bali solo. I wanted to wake up everyday and do what I wanted in a place that was calling to me. Guys, I literally had to fly across the world to avoid the people pleasing tendencies hahah. It was around this time where I was obsessively learning astrology and still in the closet about it. When I went off alone and followed my gut - I was met with a lot of clarity. When I got back, I got my website domain, started my instagram and owned this side of me. People can really know you as your south node and when you go against that, it can come with judgement. When you push though despite that judgement - I'd argue that you're onto something. The double dose of the 5th and Aries is about being an individual - turning away from blending in, conforming or being the supportive role (11th, Libra) and not caring what people think of me as long as I am doing what I am passionate about. Nowadays, I do this with zero fucks. But it wasn't easy at first, y'all. I am proud of that past self that pushed though. Side note : That was the year I came up with the ultimate birthday idea that a few people have been inspired from since. I asked people to mail me hand written letters to bring with me to Bali - to feel connected while being solo. I asked them to share with me the things that shaped their lives - the good stuff, the struggles. I got around 50 letters. They are my most prized possessions. The things that people have endured… I cry thinking about it. I am amazed at what we can handle and how much wisdom and empathy comes with it. A couple people who wrote me have since passed away - there is something so intimate about having someone's hand writing to hold onto. I was so scared to ASK people for this but I did it anyway.  I highly recommend it. 
So, I come to my nodal return this year, more alone than ever - separated from my friends and community (11th house), and single AF despite my efforts (Libra). I am in the midst of loosing my ultimate support system in life, my mother, to cancer. I can't fall back on my south node placement, clearly. Throughout all of it, I always remain hopeful and know that all of these risks that I take are part of my purpose and will all become clear soon. I am also living on my North Node MC line (astrocartography) here in Portland - wild. This birthday, I am thinking of all the times I could have settled in my south node nook but I went the uncharted route instead. 
Solar Return shit : 
Last year's Solar Return Chart (chart of birthday to birthday) was INSANE and boy did it deliver. A yod to mercury and a Mars, Uranus, NorthNode triple conjunction - just know that is potent change! Of course my positive ass was thinking “oooo exciting change!” pssshhh.. within days of my birthday last year I got the news of my mom's cancer and was driving cross country here to Portland. Everything has changed. Except for one thing. My passion for this job that I get to do. Thank you for that. I wouldn't have gotten through this year without it. I love what I do and it is such a bright spot in my life and I feel very lucky for that. Thanks to following my north node. Anywho - this year's chart has a full moon (more change) and a Yod (aspect configurations) pointing to Venus. Screams at universe “Better not come at me with love and money issues - only upgrades!!” 
Little glimpse into that Bali birthday with the letters :
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Have a lovely month ahead,
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