the harvest
day 22
Hey First name / friend,
We are on the other side of the Full Moon which means we are in the Waning Moon, the PERFECT time for rewiring the subconscious which is already in alignment with the Retrogrades. What needs release? What are the limiting beliefs, default setting, bad habits, lack of structures, disorganization, chaos, feels, thought forms standing between you and your desired future self. 
“Without exception, I have found that 5 percent of a person’s success has to do with strategy and plans. The remaining 95 percent has to do with mindset.

This accounts for why ordinary people often achieve extraordinary success, and brilliant people can struggle to make things happen.

You could be the smartest person in town and have a solid strategy for reaching a goal; however, if you have the wrong mindset, not much is going to happen.” 
— Bob Proctor
Dive deep into the WANING PORTAL!
For those who have a Healy this is the best time to go big with your Success Coaching module and rewire the subconscious low vibrations and Shadows because the subconscious work we do during a Waning time tends to stick better.
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 158 - 213 (ch 13 thru 18) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. Come as you are! (and wherever you are in the reading is just fine) ;)
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b