the harvest
day 24
Hey First name / friend,
“The forces of nature and nurture are intricately bound up together. Genius is both within us and without us. We begin our journey to prosperity and others help us bring it to fruition. We are not designed to be islands, but are a vibrating single organism karmically destined to come together in order to fulfill a higher purpose. Our higher purpose is both an individual vibration and a communal unifying field. ” 
— Richard Rudd
Our Unconscious Jupiter is tied to the Gate of our Culture within the Gates of our Prosperity. One of the things I love about this energy is thinking of it in the way we think of ancestral healing. Many times when we really heal something for ourselves we heal it down our ancestral or fractal line backwards and forwards. When you push yourself in your life to be your unique differentiated self, to follow your Vocation, when you take courageous leaps, you cosmically push others to do the same, stirring the forces of evolution. You are open to greater possibilities and so is your fractal line. In doing so, you also attract them to you, your soul family, the people you are meant to walk along side of, your allies along your path.
Read about your defined Gate/Key in your chosen resource. 
The Shadow here can directly block your flow of prosperity so it's a big one. Working with this Shadow to transmute the energy can be a key to unlocking financial abundance + good fortune in your life.
Members enter the portal of your Culture here
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 158 - 213 (ch 13 thru 18) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. Come as you are! (and wherever you are in the reading is just fine) ;)
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b