the harvest
day 25
Hey First name / friend,
Happy Lion's Gate portal peaking today! I have recorded a lil video for you and you can find it inside the Harvest Portal under additional support. it will cover all the tips and support for this event and the Venus Cazimi.
We're going all heart centered Lionesse vibes today! 
With the Sun in Leo (authenticity, heart, play) + Summer being the season of the fire element and the HEART, if you have not had a chance yet to take the movement class included in the portal, give it a go sometime soon. It is aligned with the summer energy supporting the Heart, Small Intestine, Triple Burner and Pericardium (the Heart's protector). 
When we support the Heart we also cultivate more Shen, more Spirit energy. When we have high Shen we are guided in the right direction, by our intuition, and our Shen raises our vibration, our magnetism, our capacity to sparkle with radiance and tap into what is referred to as peach luck. 
Supporting our heart is always a powerful practice because we want to lead from this space, to follow our heart's desires. If you have an open Heart center in Human Design you may need an accountability buddy when you wanna stick with something. You literally do not have consistent access to willpower which is not something we want to punish ourselves over AND we want to keep our word, to others and ourselves, so what do you need to do to, to put in place, to make sure you show up. Members can explore the Heart/Ego Portal here
And, while I don't subscribe to the idea that at the heart of manifestation is ‘how worthy you feel' if you have this center open or Chiron in Taurus or Chiron in the second house, or Venus combust the Sun, amongst other placements, there is most likely some worth work to be done, which will only support you in all areas of your life. 
Healy Heart/Shen Support: 
  • Being
  • Pure 
  • Release
  • Circulation
  • Inner Beauty
  • Heart Meridian, Connective Tissue Meridian, Small Intestine Meridian
  • Digital Nutrition: Heart Harmony, Spirituality, Joy of Life
  • Soul Cycle Series
  • Heart Chakra
  • Brid's Self Love + Attracting Abundance programs
  • Prosperity on the Mag + Heart Opening (Water)
artwork: HHEINGE
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 158 - 213 (ch 13 thru 18) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). Hope you can join for conversation + connection. Come as you are! (and wherever you are in the reading is just fine) ;)
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b