Have you discovered our podcast ?
You know what we're about here don't you ? We connect families to the boarding school that fits them best,  anywhere in Australia, and, once they're there we support them during their years as a boarding family to build communities away from the places they call home.
One of the ways we do that is to share the stories of our boarding schools on Destination Boarding, the podcast. We talk with parents, students, ex-students doing great things, and the schools themselves. We have conversations that really strive to demystify Australian boarding schools and open up about topics that many families wish they could talk broadly about but for one reason or another they don't feel comfortable to do so.  Whether that's financial stresses, emotional support, homesickness, or why we make the choices we make…. the podcast convo's are dedicated to anyone that would like to know more about Australian boarding schools and the part they play in developing our young people.
Series 4 Episode 1 drops today - link below. Please follow us, like us, rate us… all the things. It will help us grow the listener base and reach families wherever they call home.
Have a topic or a guest you'd like to see interviewed for Destination Boarding ? Please get in touch.
Amanda x

I decided to kick off Series 4 with Pete, not only because he was an engaging person to chat with but to highlight the topics we talked about. 
We talked about the decision to send kids to boarding school when you live in a place that has access to good schools, and we talked about the financial commitment that comes with sending your kids to boarding school.
Pete’s an energetic big thinker, who sees all his clients as friends. His team recognises that he has a genuine and sincere care for the people he works with, and is unrelenting in achieving the best outcomes for all clients.
With 10 years of corporate experience, over 20 years of experience working with agribusiness and high wealth individuals in regional Australia, Pete’s clients know they have someone on their team who is not only highly qualified, but also driven to “change the numbers”: Pete’s passion lies in improving client outcomes through changing people’s paradigms and behaviours. Pete is always challenging the status quo.

Here are the things we're loving right now…..
Have you finished your boarding school journey ? Share our news…. tell your friends and family who might be on their way. Our website provides almost 20 years of resources and experience to families and students considering their options and beginning their days at boarding school.
We acknowledge that the land on which we work and live is the traditional land of the Wiradjuri and Wangaaypuwan peoples of the Wiradjuri Nation.
 We pay our respects to Elders past and present and extend that respect to all First Nations people.