A year ago, my husband was having symptoms of a heart attack (labored breathing, chest pain, left-sided arm pain, profuse sweating). He described what was happening and asked if I had something that could help him or else we would need to call 9-1-1. I grabbed my bottle of a blended homeopathic remedy (Circulation) that I’d heard about years ago that could possibly help in this type of situation and gave him a dose.
Within about two minutes, all his symptoms disappeared except he was still having a hard time breathing and asked if I had anything else for that. I had gone to a conference earlier that year and learned a hands-on technique that could help and applied the touch therapy. As soon as I put my right hand flat on his back between his shoulder blades and held his left hand ring finger with my left hand, he calmed down and his breathing normalized. 
This combination of natural therapies saved the day!