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Course registration begins tomorrow!
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Don't worry—you're ready! While we're wishing you a positive and stress-free registration day, here's what to do and who to contact if you run into any issues.
First: Review the UR Student resource video on troubleshooting course registration. This short video walks you through the different types of settings and restrictions that could prevent you from registering for a course in the system. 
If you need additional assistance
Reach out to your College Advisor. They can lift the Advising Hold on your UR Student account, assist you in selecting alternate courses if your selected course closes, and help you request special permission (if eligible) to register for a course. If your College Advisor is unavailable, contact the College Center for Advising Services team through the chat function on their website.
Submit a ticket to the UR Student Technical Support Team. They can help you troubleshoot if you're having connectivity problems or issues navigating the system. Please note: In order to submit a ticket, you must be connected to the University's wireless network on campus or through VPN.
View the full Welcome Week schedule in the app.
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The schedule is now available! The app is your tool for viewing the full Welcome Week schedule, as well as other important information, like arrival day instructions, maps, campus resources, transportation schedules, and more. Use the button below to view instructions for downloading the app to your mobile device. 
A note about next week. 
Next week's issue of Rochester Ready will be the last of the summer, and will include last-minute reminders, arrival instructions, and parking information. We hope this publication has helped you feel better prepared for your first semester at the University. We can't wait to see you on campus in less than two weeks! 
Add these dates to your calendar:
We know there are a lot of dates to remember, so we'll include this section in each issue to highlight key upcoming dates and deadlines from the Checklist and Timeline webpages.

On Wednesday, August 9
9 a.m. (ET): Fall course registration opens in UR Student (exchange and transfer students)
On Thursday, August 10
9 a.m. (ET): Fall course registration opens in UR Student (first-year students)
Pay your fall 2023 tuition bill
Apply for a parking permit (commuter and upperclass transfer students only)
On Tuesday, August 15
By Friday, August 18
Watch all required resource videos and complete all corresponding modules 
❏ Download the Welcome Week app
❏ Review immigration and arrival information (international students only)

Parents and families: there are resources for you, too! View webinar recordings and suggested tasks on the Families page.
Exchange students: your tasks are a bit different as a visiting student. Make sure to check your dedicated page on our website for instructions and information specific to you as an incoming exchange student.
A few quick reminders:
Do you have a parent or family member that needs this newsletter? Make sure to add them to the Friends and Family section of your UR Student account to have a copy of the next issue sent directly to their inbox.
Missed a previous issue of Rochester Ready? Copies of all of our office's communications to students and families are available on our website.

Get connected! Be sure to join the University of Rochester Admitted Students 2023, UR Transfer Students, and Families of University of Rochester Admitted Students 2023 Facebook groups.

We're here for you. Contact us anytime at
Office of Orientation and First-Year Programs
University of Rochester
200 Morey Hall, Rochester, NY 14627
Contact Us
Phone: 585.275.4414
You received this email because you are an incoming student or the parent or family member of an incoming student, or have subscribed. If you believe you have received this message in error, please contact us.