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What ideas have been flowing through your mind and onto your pages? Here is some inspiration from our community and what “flow” is stirring up within us!


Vanesa tried acrylic pour--I think these turned out so cool! There's so much movement and so many interesting lines and shapes!

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“I tested (without any great results) the dripping of alcohol ink over different types of brush strokes made with acrylic gel in my SketchBook. I did straight strokes and circular strokes, using a scratchy brush that left marks on the page, but in both my attempts the alcohol ink I dripped on the page did not seem to follow any of the dried acrylic medium strokes beneath it.  I also dropped straight alcohol over the ink after the fact and in some cases it created a flow of lighter or more combined ink splotches!" - Claudia

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“My flow this morning involved Derwent Inktense Blocks, keeping my eyes closed while moving black from one page to the other. I followed, eyes open, with white and decided to stop there even though I was tempted to work in some color. I’m not comfortable with watercolor, so I made sure not to “think.” It didn’t take long to do, and I’ll probably keep “FLOW” in mind for the next few days. But this was my from-the-heart piece, a beautiful way to begin the day. I think we all benefit from having “flow” in mind, as it keeps us from going into factory mode." - Jane

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“an attempt at stream of consciousness journaling + painting circles on top of it trying to not think about it much...not too happy with the piece but letting it be what it's meant to be.” Archna Thank you for the important reminder of letting things be what they are meant to be!

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I tried flow 2 ways. The first as a morning meditation: I closed my eyes and drew a continuous line in crayon for a minute. Then I did the same thing with an Ecoline marker. Lastly, I did this process again but with a paint brush and clean water. Even though it's messy, I like the representation of it, of getting thoughts onto paper and clearing the mind for the day. I'm considering doing this as part of my daily morning routine! 
The second thing I tried was drawing with a continuous line with my eyes open this time :) Again, this is messy and imperfect but for me the purpose of these pages was for the act of doing, not for the finished product. 

I can't believe we are already at week 4 going on week 5 of the Summer Sketchbook Un-Slump! I hope you're enjoying this series and that you continue to find inspiration through these prompts whether you are working through them live each week or at your own pace. I know this can be a busy time of year and if you haven't had a chance to work on them, don't worry--we'll be going on a little “summer break” after this and there will be time to catch up if you'd like!
Wishing you days that flow gently into the next.
Talk to you soon!
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PS: The photo gallery has been updated, if you haven't checked it out yet or it's been awhile, take a look by clicking the link below! I continue to update all the albums and past prompts as I receive pieces to add to them :)

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