Our street patrol team not only assist with shop theft related incidents, in fact, there are a wide range of ways in which our officers assist the business community. They are our eyes and ears within the city centre, helping the BID team to deliver key messaging and connect the businesses. They take a proactive approach to ensure that lines of communication travel in both directions, reporting key findings to BID management and partners within the city.
Since the BID entered its fifth term in April, Street Patrol have assisted in recovering thousands of pounds worth of stock, delivered hundreds of welcome packs and radio user manuals, accompany police teams on special operations and report physical hazards that could present a risk to the public.
Core officer, James has gotten to know many of you well over the past few months and we encourage you to reach out to him at
streetpatrol@coventrybid.co.uk if you would like additional support with anything safety or security related. We are super proud of James’ hard work and dedication to the role, he is an incredible asset to the BID team.