Happy August
Summer has been brimming with adventures for Wayne and me. I completed my 2024 Christmas release, so it's time for some play.
Wayne and I were part of Seafair, a Seattle summer tradition, where we witnessed the Blue Angels soaring over Lake Washington. We were fortunate to secure an invitation to a private viewing, accompanied by a former Blue Angel pilot narrating their impressive maneuvers. A surge of patriotism coursed through me as these magnificent jets, piloted by such skilled aviators, painted the sky above.
This month, Wayne and I are embarking on a road trip to California to visit friends. From there, we'll journey to Arizona to see our daughter Jody, followed by an extensive trek to spend quality time with my brother in Kansas and a favorite cousin in Omaha. We relish road trips – I knit while Wayne navigates, all the while indulging in audiobooks. It's a splendid way to strengthen our bond and deepen our appreciation for this beautiful country.
I'm eagerly anticipating the commencement of another writing project in September, most likely another novella.
I extend my wishes that your summer overflows with delightful escapades and captivating reads.
Blue Angels
at Seafair!
Other Updates!
August Giveaway