Wholehearted Living with Jill
August 2023 Newsletter

"I wish I had the courage to live life true to myself and not the one others expected of me.”
Dear friend,
In the book, “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departed,” hospice nurse Bonnie Ware writes about the top life regrets of her dying patients.
The number one regret of the dying was this, “I wish I had the courage to live life true to myself and not the one others expected of me.”
When I first learned of this top regret, it hit me hard. So many of us are seeking courage to be ourselves and take action in direction of our dreams. We live in a world that too often tells us who to be, how to look, what to say and how to feel. If we aren't anchored to our own deeper purpose, the world will "fill in the gaps" for us 😬.
It is nothing less than a courageous act to be yourself in this world!
I know it's morbid, but I want you to really imagine being on your deathbed. Your days are numbered and you don't have the strength to leave your bed. Are you at peace with how you have lived and the work you've done? Are you realizing you didn’t fulfill your life’s purpose or even try for that matter?
How does this happen?
  • Maybe you prioritized other people's needs and wants over your own
  • Maybe you got lost in doing what you thought you should do, instead of following your own inner compass
  • Maybe you never felt you had permission to be your authentic self
No matter the reason, the BIGGEST risk you can take in life is getting caught up in thinking you have all the time in the world and putting your big dreams on the back burner. This is precisely how Bonnie's patients lived until they found themselves at the end of the road and realizing they missed their shot.
I believe we were each created with a unique purpose and it's our responsibility to figure out what that is and how we want to share it with the world. For me, it feels more like a pursuit rather than reaching a final destination. I live in pursuit of my higher self while staying true to authenticity, connection and purpose (hint hint, those are my core values 😉 ).
So my big question for you this month is this…
What is the one thing you will be pi**ed off at yourself for not doing or even trying before your life is over?
What would happen if you put that one thing to the top of your list of priorities? Are you courageous enough to try?
Do you trust you'll be ok even if you fail?
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Friend, my profound hope is for you to live your most full, abundant, authentic life possible and love who you are. The good news is, if you woke up today with air in your lungs and a beating heart then time is not up for you. It’s not too late! Let’s harness this valuable lesson and fully embrace living life on your terms.
Reply to this email and share your “one thing” with me ✨  - I'd love to hear what dream has been sitting on your heart.

Courageously yours,

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Goodies from the 'Gram...
