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Do you need a little help with weight loss??
Then you should sign up for the Weight Loss For Women Over 50 Masterclass Series.
Our friend Cherie Schwartz has brought together 30+ top weight loss experts for this complimentary masterclass series to activate your fat-loss cycle and take control of your hormonal changes over 50 so you can increase your metabolism and energy.
If you’re anything like us, then your health means a lot to you.
Having the energy to pick up your kids and grandkids...
Energy to climb up and down your stairs.
Not staying stuck in fad diets that cause yoyo weight gain.
Being able to wear the clothes from 10 years ago and not feeling like a shell of yourself.
Love the reflection in the mirror again.
Understand hormonal changes and why you’re feeling that way.
Be educated and informed on the most confusing topic on earth - weight loss.
Take control of your own health.
That’s what empowerment can do for you.
But it drives us crazy when we see the media selling the dream of quick fixes and overnight remedies without telling the truth about what your hormones are really telling you.
Is it possible to balance your hormones, activate your fat-loss cycle, increase metabolism and energy, and take control of your health? Absolutely, it is. We see it happen all the time to our clients, friends, and mentors.
But is it as easy as some women make it out to be?
Definitely not. And it’s downright impossible if you don’t have anyone to guide you through the steps.
It breaks our hearts when we hear women tell us they’re suffering from hormonal weight and they feel like they’re the only ones. Their relationships are suffering, they’re exhausted, and their bodies are worse for wear. 
They want to feel normal again but don’t know how to do that without feeling embarrassed or ashamed in the process.
That’s why we're excited about the Weight Loss For Women Over 50 Masterclass Series. It’s five straight days of cutting-edge strategies and inside access to 30+ top weight loss experts who are there to help YOU take control of your health.
At no cost to you, save your seat to get access.

Allison + Jo

P.S. Let’s get real - if you seriously want to take control of your health, join us for a few things you need to know!
Forgive us for name-dropping, but the guest list on this masterclass series is epic. (Psssst. Just between us, some of these speakers charge $5,000 - $10,000 an hour to share their wisdom, but you can get it for free when you sign up for Weight Loss For Women Over 50 here.)
Here are a few of the incredible people you’ll get the chance to hear from:
  • Dr. Leona Allen - Your Weight Issue is a Hormonal Issue
  • Dr. Justin Marchegiani - Hypothyroid | Root Cause Of Hypothyroidism
  • Monika Tupholme - 3 key phases to ignite your fat-burning hormones to drop 6 to 12 inches in 12 weeks even when you are already eating healthy + working out
  • Tanja Shaw - Self Sabotage OR Weight Loss Resistance
  • Jennifer Brango - Midlife Body Confidence for WOMEN is a State of Being
  • Jessica Kishpaugh - How To Overcome Emotional Eating
  • Tracy Seider - Something IS Actually Missing in Your Diet and Exercise Puzzle, And It's Not What You Think
  • Vicky Jamieson - How Skin Can Give Clues to Hormonal Changes Before It's Too Late
And Couture Coaching, of course! We’ll be sharing Why Your Metabolism Slows Down . . . And How You Can Speed It Back Up!  
Those are just a handful of the teachers involved. We would list them all, but you should probably just head on over to the registration page and take a look for yourself.

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