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Perfectly Imperfect: The Key to Speaking Authentically
Have you ever noticed that right before delivering a speech, you often feel predominantly tense? We twist ourselves into knots, trying to be picture-perfect.
But you know what? It's that very pursuit of flawlessness that intensifies our jitters and trips our tongues.
Perfectionism? Yeah, it's like that glitch that messes with our ease and authenticity, the real stuff that makes talking to people work.
But guess what…
Perfection in public speaking doesn’t exist.
Why beat yourself up worrying that you won’t give a perfect speech?  Why lose sleep over an upcoming presentation, fearing that you won't execute it perfectly?

You know what, just drop it.
Instead of trying to be perfect do this instead…
Here's what you'll find here:
  1. Anne's Story
  2. Perfectly Imperfect Speech Process
  3. Your Weekly/Daily Speaking Mantra
  4. Featured Tip

01. Anne's Story

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Anne couldn't sleep.
Her upcoming speech at the all-employees meeting kept her wide awake. She had prepared slides, and the content was there, yet the delivery haunted her.
Her anxiety had become a major distraction and was adding drama where it wasn't necessary.
Anne's story resonates with many of us. Anne's quest for perfection was her stumbling block, as it often is for most.
So, what did we do? We removed the script.
While the structure was still essential, we encouraged Anne to identify her main and sub-points, and then practice talking about them under mock conditions – 20 minutes, 5 minutes, even 30 seconds – targeting different audiences, from colleagues to strangers. This honed her adaptability and poise.
Guess what? It worked.
She stumbled over a few words and periodically felt the nerves creep in, but overall, she addressed all key points and successfully delivered her speech.

02. Perfectly Imperfect Speech Process

Here is a process for giving a perfectly imperfect speech:
  1. Choose a Relevant Topic: Choose a topic you're passionate about and have some knowledge or experience with. This will make the process more enjoyable and authentic.
  2. Define Your Purpose: Clarify the main goal of your speech. Are you trying to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire? Having a clear purpose will guide your content.
  3. Know Your Audience: Understand your audience's interests, knowledge level, and expectations. Tailor your content to resonate with them.
  4. Outline Your Speech: Create a basic structure for your speech. Divide it into sections like introduction, main points, and conclusion. Bullet points are enough as long as you know your topic well.
  5. Embrace Authenticity: It's okay to show your enthusiasm, nervousness, and personality. Audiences appreciate genuine speakers who connect with them on a human level.
  6. Handle Mistakes Gracefully: Mistakes happen to everyone. Expect them. If you stumble over words or lose your train of thought, take a deep breath, smile, and continue. Audiences are forgiving.
  7. Focus on the Message, Not Perfection: Remember that the goal is effective communication, not flawless delivery. Focus on conveying your message and connecting with your audience.

03. Your Weekly/Daily Speaking Mantra

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Need more? Give this mantra a try:
Embrace Imperfection
Striving for perfection causes undue stress and anxiety. Accept that blunders are part of the speaking journey. Embrace them as steps to growth.

04. Featured Tip

Here’s a golden tip:
Before speaking, pause, breathe deeply, SMILE, and remind yourself that your message benefits the audience.
And most importantly – let go.

Happy Speaking!
Lisa Kleiman