the harvest 
day 32
Hey First name / friend,
We are back where we began…. in the phase of the Dark Moon, heading into a New Moon on Wednesday. I love this prompt from Lena Stevens of The Power Path… 
"This new moon provides an excellent time frame to make changes in your “story”, especially any aspects that don’t feel good. The themes of worthiness, boundaries, balance and simplicity are ones to pay attention to as your emotional relationships with self, others, prosperity, havingness and self-worth are triggered. What about your current story causes stress, discouragement, confusion, or low self esteem? The heart is activated and anything that is not aligned with your inner emotional truth may be up for questioning.

A new moon starts a new lunar cycle and always supports a new beginning and a good reset. You have the opportunity to erase the old storyboard and begin with changing whatever does not bring you joy or support your passion and bolster your self-esteem. Keep in mind the balance between giving and receiving, generosity and gratitude. This may require an examination of your boundaries so you can adjust them accordingly. This new moon is also about celebrating self, gifting self, honoring self, and building inner power from your own truth. 

So, write the next chapter in your life and the next steps in your journey with a focus on simplifying, changing it up, and supporting self in the best way possible. If unexpected events bring surprise, challenge or change, use your creativity to think outside the box and to be open to something entirely new and different. 
When beginning to contemplate your next chapter, what needs release? What can you let fall away? What story feels old and outdated? What self can you shed? Explore the DARK MOON.
+          Spend some intentional time in this portal free writing, dancing, cooking, drawing, collaging, singing…
                                                                    around your new story!
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 214 - 270 (ch 19 - AW) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). This will be our FINAL book club so I truly hope you can make it. I'd love to see all of your faces. If you cannot but would like to connect hit reply and I may try to put an additional final meet together for everyone. 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b