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a 30 day program designed to help you:
understand your child's intense and/or challenging behavior
implement connection focused strategies that significantly decrease the behavior 
identify, manage, and process through triggers to come with more calm to your child's behaviors/meltdowns/tantrums
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What it includes:
1, 60 minute initial coaching call at the start of the program 
■ Behavior History & Assessment
■ Current Challenges and Goals
■ Customized Strategy(ies) to Decrease Behavior/Manage Triggers
Private Voxer access for 4 weeks, Monday - Friday (9am - 5pm Central)
Weekly 15 minute call (Listening Partnership)
1, 30 minute coaching call at the end of the program
 ■ Wrap Up/ Final Questions
■ Next Steps
Flexible Fall Payment Plans Available!
God anointed you for this work
Thank you so much, Kaili.
The best thing, by far, was to have your help via voxer. I cannot tell you how helpful it was to have you walk us through things and to hear your thoughts, knowing you were right there in the trenches with us
You have been so unbelievably helpful and thought-provoking. You've encouraged us, but never judged.
 We have been blessed by you. -S
Still Not quite sure if this is for you? that's ok! book a Behavior blueprint call and get all of your questions answered + see if it's a good fit for you and your family!
XO Kaili
