the harvest 
day 33
Hey First name / friend,
This New Moon exacts today in LEO! When thinking about your New Moon wishes, which you only want to write out after 11:31am PDT, you can always wish around anything that feels most up for you AND wishes are particularly supported for this new moon around: 
  • individuation
  • following your heart + standing confidently in your truth + authenticity
  • shining your light bigger and brighter
  • expressing your creativity
  • tapping into greater joy + PLAY
  • making clear courageous decisions
  • nurturing and honoring your inner child
  • being in your highest integrity
  • amplifying your magnetism + peach luck (refer back to heart email)
  • physical support of your Spine, Heart and/or cardiovascular system
*Today is a great day to run Coherence in your Healy and get into the feels of your new story and your wishes (your heart's desire) as well as to coach your Vision in your Success Coach and vibrate if for the month (or check back in at the next Full Moon to see if you wanna tweak or refine). If you are still feeling in the Dark Moon remnants then run Release today to clear, and Coherence, Activation or Potency with the intention around your Vision when you start to feel the Moon gathering light. 
ReVisit NEW MOON for inspiration and crafting a juicy vision. If you haven't tried the Breathwork within, give it a go today and do some free writing around what comes up after or explore the workbook. 
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 214 - 270 (ch 19 - AW) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). This will be our FINAL book club so I truly hope you can make it. I'd love to see all of your faces. If you cannot but would like to connect hit reply and I may try to put an additional final meet together for everyone. 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b