the harvest 
day 34
Hey First name / friend,
Avoiding bypassing.
Sometimes when we set Visions, we feel excited but we also have negative feelings, limiting beliefs, grasping, doubt, worry come up around the vision we set and it's important not to ignore that but to face it head on. This does not mean marinating in it. It means looking it in the eye, being aware and choosing to re-orient ourselves, once we've processed it. We want or orient ourselves to “The Impossible is Possible”, “My life feels enchanted", “Everything is Always Working Out Perfectly For Me”, “I Am Wealth. I Am Abundance. I Am Joy”, ….
Where do we have resistance to this? 
Where can we take our power back from the inner critic who voices their POV and from external stories that are limiting like; “this is just how you feel at this age”, “there are no good men left”, “only a lucky few get to make a living doing what they love”, “there is not enough to go around, my markets saturated”, etc… etc… Journal it out. Let all the fears and low vibes, saboteurs, and ‘haters’ have their voice. With each wish and vision, what is the limiting belief sitting on top of it? What does the ‘yuck’ of it feel like? What are the low vibrational labels we are putting on the feeling? Where is the contraction? DUMP it ALL on the page! 
How can we take the emotional charge out of those beliefs? As we move into the Waxing phase we can utilize tools like EFT, breathwork, mindfulness, art journaling, movement, etc… to move this all out, having noted what has come up for us now as we're vision crafting. 
Practice Subagh Kriya. 
We're reading pages 214 - 270 (ch 19 - AW) of A Happy Pocket Full of Money for book club Friday (link in the portal). This will be our FINAL book club so I truly hope you can make it. I'd love to see all of your faces. If you cannot but would like to connect hit reply and I may try to put an additional final meet together for everyone. 
By your side,
radiating love
amanda b